Chapter 8

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Not too long after Jack joins me in the car with a huge smile on his face.

"Cousin? Really what is all that about" I say with a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry. It would just sound extremely weird if I told her you are my new neighbour that I met last night, you know?"

I sigh and nod before looking straight out the window.

"Who even is she?" I ask, my voice lower than usual.

"She is just my ex after a long 2 year relationship. She is also part of my friend group so it's kind of hard to not be friends and act like nothing even happened, I was stupid back then and I didn't ev...." He stops himself before he finishes the sentence.

"Yeah same I've just got out of a hectic relationship myself, I understand" I don't want to push him about finishing the sentence because I don't want to loose the only 'friend' I have here.

When he pulls up in his driveway I get out straight away and thank him for taking me. I get my bags out of the boot and I see jack with his hands on the steering wheel and his head down. Seconds later he gets out of the car and helps me get the bags out.

"Wait" he says as I walk off with bags.

"What?" I ask, why is he telling me to wait?

"I'll help you with you bags"
I nod and walk towards my front door unlocking it with the bags in hands. I drop the bags onto the counter and grab the rest off Jack who is just walking in the front door.

"Thanks for taking me to the store, Jack"

"No problems. If you need anything else just come knock on my door" he says with a chuckle.
A laugh with him and nod, I walk him to the door and say goodbye to him.

After unpacking the shopping bags for around 1 hour and a half, I decide to call around the area for cheap cars. I called around 8 places so far and there has only been really one that is reasonably cheap and in good condition. Except I might have to get a job because I'm $700 short, so if I get a job there will be no problems. Except I will have no way of getting there, damn why is this so hard.

By the time I finish the shopping it is 1:45. I grab the bread and make myself a cheese and tomato sandwich for my lunch, and I grab a soda from the fridge to drink with it.
After I ate my lunch I walked over to the sink and washed my dishes leaving no mess behind.
I jogged upstairs and plopped down onto my bed. I saw something reflecting in my eyes, It was coming from my drawers.
I walk over and open the draw to find that expensive camera my parents bought me.

Wait... This camera cost $750, that means if I sell it I will have enough money to buy the car. I was knocked out of my thoughts by a knock at the door.

"COMING" I yell as I run down the stairs, towards the front door.
I open the door and see Katherine standing there with her arms folded I futon of her.

"Uhm good morning Katherine. What brings you here?"

"Well Jack told me that he took you shopping and he said you guys had an amazing time" I smiled at what she said, even though she was serious.

"Well yeah he did, I came to ask you but he told me you were asleep. And we did have a pretty good time I guess"

"Honey he is all lies I wake up at 5:30 every morning" she says with a harsh tone in her voice.

"Oh well I'll know next time, but I guess it didn't really matter that Jack took me" I say with a smile and was about to close the door.

"May I talk to you for a moment, Miss Evans" she says with pity in her voice.
I nod and let her inside my house.

"Would you like a tea or coffee?"

"No thank you, I just want to get this talk over with"

"Okay that's fine go ahead, what is it?" I ask

"Well, I don't think Jack is the man for you. He may be a big dream boat and a famous viner, but he is not for you. I need you to stay away from my Jack, I've already made sure he won't see you either. Is this understood?" She says to me and I couldn't help but feel bad inside.

"Why is that?"

"Because he needs to grow up and realise that he is in love with his ex girlfriend"


"Well uh yes how do you know her?"

"Well he crash.. He saw her this morning at the store, and she introduced herself to me" I don't really want to rat Jack out about him crashing the car up a little. Besides it's not my place to tell.

"Oh well that's okay, just please stay away. I have told jack already and he was okay with it"

"I'm not arguing the point but why can't we just be friends?" I am so confused, does Jack actually not want to get to know me? Wow okay.

"Because your the type of girl that he goes for, and I know you will start to get feelings because he is a charm with the ladies" she says with a smile on her face.

"Okay, well uh is there anything else you need while your over?"

"No that's all for today, good day" she says and walks out of the front door slamming it slightly.

I walked back upstairs and went on eBay. I have decided to sell my camera for $800, a little more than I got it for but it's reasonable. I post the ad for it and shut my laptop. I walked over to my bed and laid Down a little to dramatically, I closed my eyes and started to drift away.

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" god do I ever get to rest around here? If it is Jack I am simply going to ask him to stay away, only because I don't want to start any tension with the new neighbours.
I walk downstairs quickly, I open the door and see a tall boy with bushy brown hair and big brown eyes. And I can't forget his dimples when he is smiling.

"Hi, you must be the new neighbour, I'm Sammy"

"Yes, yes I am. My name is Jessie, nice to meet you" I say with a smile, he is a really attractive boy.

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