Chapter 10

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It was 4:30 so I decided to shut my laptop and start to get ready for tonight. I am actually pretty excited about tonight even though I know that nothing will happen between us, just because it is good to have a friend here. Well I guess four, that's if you count Katherine, Steph and Sammy. Sammy and Steph don't seem that bad, I know Jack said he kissed her when they were together, but they still seem super nice.
I don't think I need a shower because I can't really be bothered, also my hair doesn't look greasy and my legs have only a little but of stubble on them.
I walk over to my closet and pick out a oversized woollen jumper that is a light grey colour, light wash skinny jeans and a pair of black combat boots, only because the weather. I put the outfit on and look outside to see the sun shining and the rain cleared up, now I am going to have to change my outfit. Great less time for me.

By he time I pick out my outfit it is 5:40, my outfit consists of a strapless coral dress that flows down to mid thigh, I grab a pair of white heels that are like 2 inches high, I put my hair into a French braid and put on minimal makeup. And sure enough by the time I'm finished getting ready it is 5:57.
I grab my phone and slide it into my bra. I run downstairs carefully and grab my keys of the counter as a knock on the door appears, I open the door thinking what if I'm way too overdressed? What if I'm under dressed? What If I look like crap? I have to stop over thinking this, we are going out as friends and only friends.
He is dressed in his usual khakis and a nice button up shirt.

"Hey are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go" I say locking the door behind me.

"You look beautiful by the way" he says flushing with a red colour.

"Thanks, you too" I don't know how to feel about Jack, I've known him for like 1 day and I feel like we are good friends, sort of.
"Oh girl, I'm not beautiful. I'm gorgeous" he says while I laugh at his speech.

Time passes and we pull up In front of a restaurant, Olive Garden I think it's called. Jack gets out of the car and rushes over to my side and before I can open the door, Jack being the gentleman he is opens it for me.

"Why thank you very much sir" I say in a playful tone. I feel slightly comfortable around Jack now, I'm not too sure why.

He laughs and we walk towards the entrance, we were greeted by two young men in whites shirts and vests.

"Table for two, under Jack"

"Right this way" a blonde girl that looks around our age says.
We follow her towards the back of the room to a booth that is rather small but big enough for two people.

"Here are you menus" the waitress says not breaking eye contact with Jack.

"Thanks" Jack and I say at the same time causing us to break into a small laughter.

"I'll get the chicken kabob with potato salad. Oh and a coke please" Jack says to the blonde passing her the menu, on the way of passing it she brushes her hand over his making Jack blush. Oh please she is the fakest girl I've seen and he is interested, pfffft. Wait my thoughts are making me jealous. Oh god.

"And I'll have the Caesar Salad with a lemonade please" I reply handing my menu over also but she snatches it out of my hand.

"So where did you live before Omaha?" Jack asks looking down at his plate.

"I lived in the Malibu area, it was nice I guess"

"Oh Malibu! I've heard that place is rad as" Jack says smiling making me smile as usual.

A couple minutes after our small talk the waiter brings our meals over. She puts two bowls In front of us.

"Excuse me, I didn't order the pork salad. I clearly ordered the Caesar Salad"

"Oh I'm so sorry about the mix up, I'll fix it up right away" the blonde girl says in a sarcastic tone and with a fake smile on her face.

"So does your mom know your out to dinner with me?" I ask with confusion.

"Well I told her I was going out with you and she flipped, I don't really see why she needs me to be with Steph. I don't love her now and I didn't love her before either" Jack says picking at his food that is almost gone.
The waitress comes over with my Caesar salad and places it In front of me. After all this talking and waiting I have sort of lost my appetite, I didn't eat much of my salad because it tasted funny anyway.

"Can we please have the cheque?" Jack asks the blonde.

She brings over the cheque and hands it to me, I open the little black book and see the receipt. Wow Jack has really gone all out on me here, both meals cost $94 together. Geez.

"Jack do you want to give me $45, and I'll pay the rest" I tell Jack hoping he wouldn't decline my offer.

"No way pass me the cheque" he basically demands. I shake my head as he snatches the bill out of my hands.

"I'm not going to let you pay, I'm the one who asked you on this dat- um..."

"This is date now?" I ask and I could feel myself flushing red.

"Yeah I guess it is" Jack answered back smiling.

I let Jack pay after arguing with him, we walked up to the front and we both thanked the waitress and the people at the door.
He lead me to his car. I never noticed that his car wasn't the same one as when we went to the store.

"Hey is this your car? It's real nice"

"Yeah I have two, the one I took you to the store with and this one."

I nodded and hoped in the car. Jack drove at a fast pace and kept looking from the road and then to me and then back to the road. I couldn't help to feel something was up between us, I know we have only just met but I can't help the fact that I feel this way about him. When I see him I get butterflies and it feels like we are the only people in the world, I know that sounds cheesy but that exactly how it feels.

"Here we are" Jack says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Where?" I say confused as to where we are.

"At my house?" He says

"Oh okay, geez you could of at least dropped me home" I say with sarcasm while laughing.

"Well actually I was thinking maybe you would want to come inside with me?" He asks not making one small amount of eye contact with me.

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