you're born/you meet

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Hinata was in the kitchen getting a drink of water and Naruto wasn't home but not the kids were that's when she felt water drip down her leg "boruto get the bag now" Hinata said the blonde boy nodded and she started having contractions "mom im going to go get help" himawari said "ok just be careful" when himawari came back she came back with sakura and ino "ok we need to get her to either the hospital or somewhere i can get the baby out" sakura said as she got a idea "hinata are you ok with giving birth at the hyuga house" sakura asked "I DON'T CARE JUST GET HER OUT" sakura nodded "boruto run to the hyuga house and tell the doctors to clear a bed" boruto nodded and ran out the door
With boruto
boruto bust in the door "GRANDPA" boruto yelled and hiashi ran to him "BORUTO WHATS WRONG" hiashi asked "MOMS GOING INTO LABOR AND THERE TAKING HER HERE"
After the baby is born
Naruto bust in the door to see boruto holding you with a mark from where hinata was grabbing his hand boruto glared at Naruto "h..hey boruto where's your mom and himawari" Naruto asked knowing Naruto was going to get a mouthfull from sakura and boruto "moms sleeping and and himawari is with grandpa getting milk for y/n" Naruto like the name "c..can I hold her please" boruto nodded "sure" boruto handed you to Naruto you had the eyes of your mother and grandfather but your hair was blonde with purple part in it and you had the whiskers on your cheeks "welcome to the family y/n Uzumaki"

Sakura just finished a 13 hour labor Sasuke was handed you your hair was black and you had hazel eyes "what would you like to name her" the nurse that was filling out your birth certificate "y/n.. y/n Uchiha" he kissed you forehead and has happy to have 2 amazing daughters

Temari was in labor panicking because you were coming out the wrong way Shikamaru was in pain because she has death grip on his hand and shikadai was screaming because he's scared gaara trying to calm down him and his sister and kankuro was basically the midwife ok let go back and see how this happened temari was in suna visiting gaara and kankuro she was hugging kankuro when her water broke "get a doctor and tell them my water broke all over your feet" thats when yodo, araya, and shinki walked in " shinki get rags araya get water someone get her somewhere I can get the baby out of her kankuro your helping me" yodo said everyone looked at her wondering who see knows what she's doing "DONT JUST STAND THERE LISTEN TO HER" temari yelled everyone listened to yodo and that's how this situation happened yodo passed out at the sight of the baby leaving kankuro to deliver the baby
After that problem
Temari was holding the you after the birth certificate was filed out she kissed your forehead you had brown hair with a strip of blonde and you had teal eyes like you mother "you look just like you father y/n" she said to you "what a drag" Shikamaru said putting his hand on your forehead head smiling

Ino was at home when her water broke "SAI MY WATER BROKE" see yell he grabbed the bag and she was rushed to the hospital
Ino was feeding you for the first time after naming you you had black hair with pitch black eyes your skin is pale like your father you look just like your father and sai was tearing up because of it "she is just like you baby" ino said "y/n no one will hurt you child" you dad said as you held onto his finger and giggled

He didn't know he was a father until he got a call saying his ex had a baby and died during child birth and they tested the blood and it was his child you had black eyes and his black circles you had dark crimson red hair when gaara got the call he ran to the hospital were you were he held you "lord kazekage what would you like to name your daughter" a nurse asked "y/n" he said as he smiled and kissed your forehead

He adopted you after Naruto Sasuke, sakura, and sai had kids he was lonely so he adopted you when you were a baby because he was at the hospital asking questions to a victim of a crime when he walk past a person talking to the hospital staff "I DONT WANT IT YOU KEEP IT KILL IT FOR ALL I CARE" the mother walk out the nurses were wondering what to do "I'll take her" he said the nurse gave you to him and grabbed a birth certificate "do you want her to have your last name or the mothers" the nurse asked "mine and her name will be y/n hatake" he told the nurse he looked at you and saw you had brown hair and grey eyes

Itachi walked in to see you crying wrapped in a blanket the window opened his girlfriend left you with him he picked you up kisame walked in followed by hidan they saw itachi holding you "dont tell me" kisame asked Itachi nodded "tell leader-sama a member left and my daughter is named y/n" they nodded and walked out you looked just like itachi you even had his stress marks you looked up at him and smiled "I'll always protect you" itachi promised you and he intended to keep that promise

Mitsuki found you abandoned in a bush "p...parent" he said "yes mi‐" he stopped mid sentence "why do you have a baby" he explained what happened "ok can I see her" Mitsuki nodded and gave you to orochimaru "y/n you will be my child" you looked like a smaller version of jiraiya he didn't know how but to him you looked like jiraiya he smiled and you fell asleep in his arms

Tenten just got out of labor and neji was holding you "y/n hyuga no one's gonna hurt you as long as I'm around" he kissed your forehead you looked like a pure hyuga and you grabbed his finger and giggled

Naruto father scenario Where stories live. Discover now