hiashi hyuga

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*this takes place in boruto*
You meet:
You were found by hanabi in a random place in between villages you were 6 when she found you she was confused because you looked like a girl she would see in pictures with her father when she was younger but there's no way you would still be a child your arms had bruises your neck had marks your eyes had bags all around them and she could see your byakugan has developed "hey are you ok" she said but you ran into a hole in a tree "hey its ok I'm not going to hurt you" she said sitting infront of the tree you were in "whats your name" she asked "y..y/n hyuga" you said "im hanabi hyuga" but then she saw it a curse mark 'that's impossible' she thought "do you want to come with me" you nodded hugging her she picked you up and started walking back to the village "where are your parents" hanabi asked you griped he shirt hard "f..father was murdered and m..mother marked me and died after" you said and it clicked you were her niece hizashi had 2 children one being your mother the other being your uncle both unfortunately dead but your mother ran away with a hyuga boy your father when she got home hiashi saw you and walked up to you and he hugged you recognizing your mother's face "hello I'm hiashi your mother was my niece but im going to take care of you" he said "i..im y/n please don't hurt me" you said falling asleep "i promise I won't let anyone hurt you y/n" he said smiling at you

Godfather:shibi aburame
Godmother:tsume inuzuka

You fight:
He was training you and he accidentally fell back into his old habits he called you a burden and a failure "t..then why did you take me in you could have left me" you said he blanked and activated your curse mark "AHH MY HEAD" you yelled in pain he was horrified he couldn't believe himself he walked out of there as fast as possible

You make up:
You were laying on the ground in the rain eyes closed just feeling the rain hit your body and face then the rain on your face stopped you could hear it still so you opened your eyes and saw hiashi who by now you call father he was holding a umbrella "come inside before you get sick please" he said you nodded and walked back inside and you shower and changed your clothes and put your hair up in a bun and layed down in bed then you heard a knock "its me can I come in" hiashi asked "I guess" you said he walked in and up to you "im sorry for what I said and did" he said you forgave him

Your least favorite movie:
The curse of la llorona for one reason and it reminded you of a bad experience you had where you were chased by a crazy woman and she held you underwater until you almost drowned

They comfort you while you cry:
You were on a mission with you bestfriend and a shinobi and when you were walking back and you were ambushed killing the shinobi and almost killed your best friend you picked up the shinobi and your best friend you were covered in there blood and you blood and you ran to the village kotetsu and izumo saw you and kotetsu took your best friend and other shinobi took the dead shinobi "are you ok y/n" he asked you nodded and he took you home but then a your sensei hayate came up you and said your best friend died he walked you inside your aunt and her family were there when you walked to where they were and they you with blood on your clothes hanabi ran up to you "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED" hiashi yelled "Ashley she just died" you said in tears everyone was shocked you started sobbing hiashi walked up to you "shhh its ok i know it hurt right know but it will get better i promise were shinobi we can handle bad news" he said once you calmed down hanabi took you to the shower you washed off and she brought you clothes and you saw hiashis old jacket in the clothes you put your clothes on and when you walked out your hair was down and your curse mark was showing hiashi looked at you and saw hizashi he smiled "your look like your grandfather" he said you titled your head confused he showed you a picture "thats my brother your grandfather" he said "what happened to him" you asked hiashi not wanting to tell you the truth about the past "he died protecting the clans secret" he said "what secrets" you asked "I'll tell you when your older" he said you nodded and he put your hair up in a pony tail and you went to bed "you're gonna have to tell at some point father before she finds out on her own" hanabi said hiashi nodded "I know that but I don't want it to hurt her and I don't want her to turn on the main family like neji when he was younger-" "but neji came around after a while" hanabi said "I know I just can't tell her yet I'll tell her when the time is right" he said and walked to his room

Your boyfriend/girlfriend:

You run away:
You were walking home and you heard people talk about how you were the daughter of the two runaway hyuga and about how you probably killed your best friend and the shinobi hayate wouldn't tell you anything but that was because unknown to you Naruto put a rule in place that banned the shinobi from telling you anything about the past you don't remember or don't know about until hiashi gave the ok for people to either talk about or tell you things you didn't know or remember for example why you're mother marked you and why people were after your parents before they died the rule worked until you were 14 you got over not having answers so on one of your missions you asked mizuki who was in jail why you weren't geting your answers and he told you about the rule Naruto put in place after the mission you walked home and saw your father having a talk with hanabi, hinata, and Naruto they all looked at you "I need answers and I need them right now" you said looking at them they knew what you were talking about and hiashi said his normal line "I'll tell you when you older" he said "YOU BEEN SAYING THAT FOR 7 YEARS HIASHI" you yelled you never yell at them ever "y/n its important but your just not ready" hinata said "WHY AM I NOT READY WHY" you asked no one had a answer "OH NO ANSWER YOU JUST DONT WANT TO TELL ME" you yelled "AND I CANT ASK ANY SHINOBI ABOUT IT BECAUSE YOU PUT A RULE THAT SAID THEY CANT TELL MY ANYTHING UNTIL HIASHI SAID OK" you yelled at Naruto who became shocked "how did you know about the rules" Naruto asked you "mizuki touji told me" you said shocking everyone "y/n why would you talk to him WHY" hiashi asked you rolled you eyes "FINE IF YOU WONT GIVE ME ANSWERS I'LL FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL" you yelled grabbing your bag and running to the Konaha prison you went to the window of mizuki cell "hey mizuki" you said he looked at out the window and saw you "what are you doing here" he asked "I need answers will you give them to me" mizuki smiled "I will if you break me out" he said you nodded "stand back" you said jumping in the air to were his sell was "8 trigrams rotation" you said using rotation to break the window and mizuki jumped out of the window then alarms went off mizuki grabbed your arm and took you to the woods "they won't find us in here and if they do i'll protect you" he said you nodded he put your head on his chest "sleep you must be tired" he said and you fell asleep and he saw you were wearing hiashis jacket and he got a idea of how to throw off the tracking dogs he slowly cut you hand and put the blood on the jacket and then bandaged your hand with bandages from you bag he picked you up and your bag and walked away

What he calls you:
He calls you: y/n
You call him: hiashi and father on accident

Back after running away:
They were looking for you until they found the jacket and took it back to hiashi he teared up "n..no no no NO" he yelled crying because he lost you and you were the last thing that reminded him of his brother hanabi was sobbing hinata was shocked metal was in denial but what they all didn't know was you were still alive but mizuki betrayed you hayate was heart broken his last student dead but then he saw you in the woods similar to how you were when hanabi first found you but older "y/n come on everyone is worried about you" he said you stood up but you were so tired and you lost blood you're legs gave out from under you hayate caught you and took you back to the village when everyone saw you they all ran up to you and you smiled at them "i..im sorry I ran away I was angry" you said hiashi hugged you "dont ever do that again please" hiashi said you nodded you stood up and metal, iwabe, and denki all ran up to you "GUYS NO" you yelled but they hug tackled you anyways "I hate you all" you said everyone laughed but as for mizuki he was still out there somewhere

Your style:
You wear hiashis jacket and a black shirt with the hidden leaf village simple on it and black shorts or black ripped jeans with a pair of black airwalk skater shoes from when you used to skateboard

Your Period:
You felt liquid go down your legs and thought you peed yourself so you walked to the bathroom and saw blood it was your first period you knew what was happening because hanabi gave you the talk when you were 12 but so look were hanabi showed you were she kept her pads and there was none left "weeeeeell crap" you said and hiashi just came home and you heard him walking past the bathroom you cracked open and looked out "hey hiashi" you said he looked at you "yes y/n" he said "u..um I kinda need pads" you said he looked shocked and nodded and you shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower to get the blood off your legs then hanabi came home and she helped hiashi get you pads

Team and Sensei:

Technology no one but you look at hanabi and hinata as sisters

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