you get brought back

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You woke up in a pitch black tight space you didn't remember much the last thing you remember was seeing you uncle neji waiting for you but you didn't know it was him you saw what seems to be the outside of a building with a giant door and they were alots of staircases and and there were a couple doors "where am I who are you" you said looking at neji who walked up to you "im your uncle neji" he said putting a hand on your cheek causing you to hug him "what happened" you asked him confused and a little scared "you died before it was your time yet just calm down" neji said and leading you to the staircase that led you back to the living you hugged him one last time looking at him "im scared uncle neji" you said he kneeled down to your level "I know your scared its scary but your family and friends miss you and don't worry I'll be protecting you to the best of my abilities" neji said almost instantly calming you down you went back down and when you woke up in your current situation you activated your byakugan and saw you were in a coffin gaara and shinki were there you kicked the top getting there attention "what the hell" gaara asked "HELP GET ME OUT OF HERE" you yelled they barely heard you "what" shinki asked you kicked the top again trying to save oxygen shinki and gaara started to dig shinkis fingers started bleeding when he got you out of the coffin gaara ran to get Naruto and hinata shinki saw the cuts on you arms, legs, and neck from where the thin strings dug into your body when you were strung between the pillars you hugged shinki and saw you parents running to the graveyard you ran up to you mother and father and hugged them "y..your back im so happy your back" Naruto said hugging you tightly "I love you papa" you said smiling at him "I love you to sweetheart" he said smiling back at you he ran his hand over the whiskers that were back on your cheeks happy that your back

You dug your way out of your grave and walked home having trouble walking because you were so weak you walked up to the door locked "who is it" your father asked you looked in the window without being noticed and saw your family looking at the door with weapons at the ready "p..papa l..let me in please i..its cold and I'm scared" you said knocking on the door Sasuke opened the door quickly when he saw it was actually you he pulled you to him and hugged you almost making to where you couldn't breathe " can't breathe" you said Sasukes grip loosened "i..i missed you so much" sasuke said tearing up "I missed you too dad" you said as sarada and sakura hugged you happy you where back

You woke up in room full of blood and you saw hidan you started scurrying back "calm down kid jeez im not gonna hurt ya I'm putting you back to the real world I may be evil but I taught my son better to not attack children 'even though I did it myself but whatever' hidan said you were still terrified of him he noticed your temperature was high witch ment you would have a fever when you got back "have fun with your fever" hidan said pushing into the blood pool that took you back to the real world you shot up well tried to you hit you head on wood which didn't help your fever and headache "what the hell was that" Shikamaru said "p..papa g..get me out scared" you said Shikamaru started to frantically dig you out when he saw you were awake and alive he griped you tightly "your alive" he said in tear he put a hand on head "your burning up come on I'm taking you home" Shikamaru said picking you up and carrying you home "I love you papa" you said falling asleep on his shoulder "I love you to sweetie" he said happy to have his daughter back

Sai wasn't himself it was like he went back to who he was when he was a teenager no emotions, not understanding them,etc that was until he got a knock on the door and saw you sleeping body on the steps sai pulled you in the house and started crying hoping you were alive when the tear hit you cheeks you woke up "p..papa" you said sai hugged you tightly as possible "n..never do that again please" sai said you nodded falling asleep in his imbrace

You walked home confused because you didn't know what was going on all you remember was bright lights people yelling your father holding your hand then it was just in a dark place and you saw people you've saw before but in pictures "you must be y/n" black haired male with a spiral shaped scar on his face "your so adorable" a girl with brown hair said "w..who are you w..where am i" you asked confused "I'm rin and this is obito" the rin said you nodded "now you in limbo and your not supposed to be here yet" obito said smiling you nodded and all of a sudden you were in a coffin you used chidori you brack up the ground and kick the coffin open your walked in the house and you dad looked up at you "y...y/n" kakashi said and hugged you tightly as possible thinking if he let go you would dissappear

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