you run away

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You felt like you were a big burden and you couldn't take it anymore so you packed a bag and left a note saying how you felt and a apology a you left a letter for your grandfather you also put a bouquet of flowers at your uncles grave and leaving the village
You grandfather got the letter when one of your birds gave it to him when he read the letter he started to tear up and he ran to your house as soon as hinata opened the door he ran up to your room when he saw you weren't there he showed hinata the letter "she ran away" he said himawari and boruto were shocked you mother started to cry and your grandfather ran to the hokage office where you father was and showed him the letter Naruto panicked and sent out a groups of shinobi to find you for him it was a all hands on deck and lord knows how long you've been gone so he sent letters to the other 4 kage telling them if they see his daughter to contact him immediately he wasn't going to stop until you were back to him

You were tired of Sasuke never being home and when he was home he spent all his time with sarada or boruto and your mother was always working and when you talk to you dad he told you that you were being selfish but and what hurt the most was when ever you needed something your dad would put you to the side but when ever boruto or sarada needed something he was there for them on the spot you thought it was because you were weak so you decided to you were going to leave the village and find someone who can teach you how to become stronger until one day you were with you sensei Shikamaru and he gave you a training to go into the nara forest and find a bell he hid in there forest and when you were looking you stumbled acrossed a pile of rocks in the ground you've seen it before and wondered what it was but today your curiosity got the best of you decided to find out what was under there you started to dig under the rocks until you saw white hair and pulled the hair and saw a head you dropped it thinking you disrespected the dead but then the head yelled something when it hit the ground "ow what the fuck" and then the head looked shocked "oh god it can talk" you said "hey who you calling it" the head said "you the hell are you" you asked "I am hidan" he said "why do you have no body" you asked "the nara fellow exploded me" he said you didn't ask why he asked your name "im y/n Uchiha" you said he smirked "so your related to itachi huh" he said you smiled "you know my uncle itachi" you asked him "oh yes we WAY go back" you decide to help him find a his body and scythe "hey Shikamaru sensei I found someone" you said Shikamaru looked at you and he saw hidan and his expression went from confused to shocked "Y/N PUT HIM DOWN HE'S DANGEROUS" your sensei shouted "what do you mean he said he has no body" before Shikamaru could say anything else hidan bit you hand drawing blood he then called out to someone you didn't know the one called lord jashin when his body returned and he grabbed a kunai and threw it at Shikamaru you saw how strong he was and asked if he could teach you how to be strong he nodded he took your headband off and throw it at  Shikamaru who was in your tsukuyomi when back up arrived you were gone and Shikamaru was on the ground unconscious along with you head band
After Shikamaru woke up sai was asking him what happened after a while Sasuke came busting in wanting to know what happened after Shikamaru told sai and Sasuke what happened Sasuke felt awful Sasuke walked to Narutos office where iwabe was begging the hokage to let him find you "SHE MY FRIEND LORD HOKAGE I CANT LET HER BECOME SOMEONE SHE ISN'T" iwabe yelled your father thought of when he was young and when he left "iwabe your not in the right state of mind you have to stay here" iwabe ran out the door in frustration "she did what I did" your father said Naruto nodded but that's when a shinobi busts in "LORD HOKAGE THE ATUKSUKI IS BACK" the shinobi yelled "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'VE BEEN DEAD FOR 15 YEARS" Naruto and Sasuke yelled the shinobi shook his head and showed him a letter from the akatsuki and a picture of them proving there back but there was a new person with them standing nexted to hidan with a new headband on that was bloody you joined the akatsuki Naruto told the village and the other 4 kage villages about the akatsuki but only told the 4 kage about you
At the akatsuki base
"So your all telling me you were alive the hole mother fucking time and didn't fucking save me" hidan said angry "and your telling me you got my niece mixed up in this mess" itachi said also angry "i joined myself" you said and your uncle asked why you did "no one needed or wanted me because I was weak so I decided I would get stronger and come back and make it clear that I'm not just someone you can throw aside" you said everyone went quiet not understanding how someone so young could feel this way you were 13 and already had your Mangekyou Sharingan and already had people trying to get you back to the village but it would take alot more to you back

Read the You fight and you forgive them chapters

You got tired of hiding your feelings and when you tried to talk to your dad but he was busy working on a case and you went to the flower shop to talk to you mom but she was also busy you were walking home to see inojin but you just got beat up in the process not by inojin but by some random kids you ran home and packed a bag and ran out the door grabbing your headband you were sick of feeling cheap, cheated,and abused so you left when you were a little far away from the village you past out when you woke up you were in the village of the hidden rain
Sai walked into your room and saw you were gone he panic and made sure he would search every place in this damn world to find you

Like with the Sasuke scenario you joined the akatsuki but you joined because you felt like a criminal after what you did to your team mate so you decided that you would acted how you felt

You felt like a disgrace to your family heritage and name and you were going to do something about it you took off you headband and left a note that said to give the headband to someone who deserves it and snuck out your window taking nothing with you because you didn't think you were going to be around much longer so you didn't bother taking anything you walked out of the village gates without being caught you walked to the coldest river in the land surrounding the village
Not even 1 minutes later
Gaara walked into your room to check on you and saw you gone he saw the note it was your suicide note telling where to find your body he ran out of the village and to the river and what he saw sent chills down his spin

You didn't understand why you were creating as just another experiment a male version of your dead sister you never met you couldn't take it anymore you packed a bag and sprinted out the door

You sensei died protecting you and you felt guilty you couldn't keep yourself together you packed a bag and you left when your dad saw you were gone he started running around the whole village trying to find you

You didn't leave the village but you ran away from home into the woods after a fight with your father

Skip neji you know to not run away

You ran away because hidan scared you and you ran out of the akatsuki base because you walked into hidans room because pain had a mission for him you knocked and thought you heard something telling you to come in but when you walked in kakuzu and hidan were going at it "GET OUT BITCH" he said throwing a kunai at you it hit your stomach "AHHH" you screamed in fear and pain hidan looked at you when he heard the scream you sprinted out the door in fear and of adrenaline "Y/N WAIT" he said your father was on a mission and hidan was in charge of you
30 minutes later
The whole akatsuki was almost riping up almost every village near to find you it was 3 in the morning when hidan saw you covered in blood shivering on the ground he picked you up and ran to the base "HELP" he yelled hoping he wasn't going to be responsible for killing his best friend

Naruto father scenario Where stories live. Discover now