you get in a fight/beaten up

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Shino sent you to irukas office after you got in a fight "sit down" iruka said as you walked in you sat down and Iraka got a first aid kit and stitched you up "you know im going to have to call your parents right" iruka said you nodded when your father got there he took you to his office "why did you get in the fight" he asked as you sat down "she was talking crap about our family and when I said things about her family she couldn't take it and ya" you said he nodded "I'll tell iruka about this" he said and you were suspended for the amount of time the girl was in the hospital which was 4 days

You won the fight but then the girls sister got involved and beat you up when you got home your dad saw your face you had a black eye and a broken nose he took you to sakura she fixed your nose and you were about to walk to you're room "sit you're ass down" he said and you sat down on the couch "what happened" he asked and you told him "she was talking about you and what you did in you're past" you said he hugged you "thats not worth fighting about people say what they will and we can't control it you can't fight every time this happens" he said and you nodded "your probably tired you should get some sleep" he said you nodded you went to your room and fell asleep shortly after

You were exhausted from school and training and you were not in the mood for people at all unless it was your boyfriend or your family everything was going fine on your walk home until a girl you didn't recognize started yelled insults toward you it ticked you off but not wanting to deal with people shit pushed it to the back of your mind and ignored it until your hair was grabbed and you were shoved into a pile of broken beer bottles cutting you all over your legs "hey freak just because you have powerful people in your family doesn't mean your not some useless piece of shit no one wants" the girl said you looked up at her "I already know that" you said looking at her with a glare she glared back at you and punched you again and again you didn't say anything and just took it she didn't stop even though you were spitting blood out of your mouth at this point "HEY" you both heard a familiar male voice say "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" your father yelled as the girl ran down a different alleyway to get away from your father he kneeled in front of you gently picking you up off the broken glass you winced as he carried you back home when he got home he layed you down on your stomach then left the room when he came back in he had disinfectant and tweezers in his hands "this is gonna hurt but I have to get you glass out of your legs" he said kneeling beside you as he pulled out the pieces that were easier to pull out because they were sticking out more unlike other ones that are deep in your legs he looked at your face as not even a speck of pain showed on your face when he got to the last one that was barely visible from how deep it was in your leg he started pulling it out gently as you bit the inside of your cheek in pain he started to disinfect your cuts you turned over after he wrapped your legs in bandages he saw your mind was somewhere else he felt awful and he held your hand "y/n what did she say to you" he asked seeing your look over at him "she told me everything I already know" you said rolling on your side looking away from your father "y/n if she said something bad you now it's not true" he said rubbing your shoulder "I mean both you and shikadai have told me that I'm useless" you said shikamaru winced as you said that feeling awful for everything he's said to you in the past out of anger "y/n you are anything but useless" he said hugging you "I love you dad" you said falling asleep "I love you to y/n" he said rubbing your forehead as you fell asleep

School had just gotten over with and you were walking home from school in the rain through the alleyway that you usually walked through to get home when your brother was walking home with you but since he's started missions that's been happening a lot less you were taken out of your thoughts when you were pushed into a brick wall hitting the side of your face on the wall leaving multiple scratches on your face you looked up at who pushed you and saw a kid from another village he grabbed your bag and dumped out the contents it wasn't much to see it was mostly school stuff like notebooks, folders, textbook, and other things of the sort but he saw your wallet, sketchbook, and pencils fall out of your bag he smiled and threw your bag out of the way your kunai scattering all over the ground you saw him pick up your wallet "please I don't have much" he said pulling all the cash out of your wallet leaving only your student id card and your ninja card he then picked up your sketchbook and you tried to stop him "NO" you yelled as he pushed you back down "please don't take my sketchbook" you begged him as he looked you up and down and opened it and saw your drawings "not to bad freak" he said as you tried to grab you sketchbook back the drawings in there were very important to you because your father bought it for you and your family were in a lot of your drawings so it you held it very close to your heart he laughed as he saw you tearing up at the thought of him taking your sketchbook he looked at you and threw your sketchbook in a puddle and your heart shattered "that was just cruel" you whispered as he walked away you picked up you soaked sketchbook and looked through it seeing all your drawings smudged and distorted you start to tear up again and they just kept coming you didn't want to cry in public so you quickly picked up your stuff and ran the rest of the way home when you got home you could barely see from the tears that were weld up in your eyes you went to unlock the door just to find it already unlocked you opened it and slammed it shut slumping onto the floor back against the door as you started to cry as your sketchbook sat in your hands sai came down the stairs because he heard you come in and when he saw you sobbing at the door he walked up to and sat down next to you as you started to hyperventilate he put a hand on your back and rubbed circles into your back "shhh it's ok calm down" sai said trying to calm you before the panic attack started he held your hand as you slowly calmed down "now that your calmed down can you tell what happened" he said in a calm voice to try and stop you from panicking again "a kid from school followed me while I was walking home he robbed me and threw my sketchbook Into water" you said voice breaking in the middle of your sentence "now all my drawings are ruined" you said as sai hugged you rubbing your back "it's gonna be okay" he said as you slowly fell asleep sai took you to your room and put you in bed having no way to help you with your ruined sketchbook

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