you have a migraine

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Your mother just finished cooking dinner and you were in your room lights off with 2 empty water glasses on your bed side table your father was home because he brought kawaki home 3 weeks ago and it seemed he was home more but you didn't know you didn't tell anyone about your migraine and that you felt like vomiting Naruto knocked on your door "y/n dinners ready" Naruto said opening the door "im not hungry" you said because if you ate even one bite you would vomit "you haven't eaten all day I know you're hungry" your father said you stood up surprisingly not passing out and you walked down stairs because you didn't want your father to wonder whats wrong you sat down at the table "thanks for the food" you all said but you weren't eating and your father asked about it "why aren't you eating" he asked you looked at him and shrugged you took a bite of the food and tried to keep it down but it wasn't staying down you ran to the bathroom and vomited everything out of you it made your head even worse everyone except kawaki was concerned thats because kawaki knew what was going on "she has a migraine" kawaki said walking to the bathroom followed by Naruto you were crying because pain and embarrassment kawaki got a wet wash cloth and started Wiping you face "crying won't help just try to calm down" kawaki said as you cried in pain Naruto walked in and put his hand on kawaki's shoulder "I'll take it from here kawaki" Naruto said kawaki nodded and stood up walking out of the room "why didn't you tell me" Naruto said as he wiped you face the rest of the way "I didn't think it would be that big a deal" you said calming down to were you could speak "if it makes you throw up and puts you in this much pain its a big deal" Naruto said putting you on his back taking you to your room he filled a water glass and took it to you "tell me next time please" Naruto said you nodded and fell asleep

Sakura put wet wash cloth on your forehead and gave you water then turned the lights off as she left a couple hours later Sasuke walked in and sat next to your bed he put his hand on your forehead you grumbled griping you head "is it your migraine" sasuke asked you nodded he hugged you rubbing your head "I know it hurts just try to sleep I'll stay by your bed" sasuke said you nodded and shut your eyes trying to fall asleep but failed and not getting to sleep till 4 in the morning

You were on a mission with your team in suna and it was HOT you just finished a big battle and the mission was complete your teammates and you need medical attention you and your teammates didn't make it to the hospital still standing you passed out and were all in heat stork Mirai picked all of you up "HOSPITAL THE NEAREST HOSPITAL" Mirai yelled at a person "the kazekage office it the closest place for medical needs" they said Mirai ran there "I NEED HELP NOW" she yelled running in the doors medical ninjas ran to your team and started pouring cold water on your team and putting ice in your clothes and on your forehead and any other place they physically can to cool you down so you don't die by now your uncle and cousin were watching them try to bring your temperature down when you woke up you were in your room with a pounding migraine and your father was next to you "p..papa" you said Shikamaru hugged you tightly "thank God your ok" he said holding back tears " head hurts dad" you grumbled under your breath he rubbed you back "its ok baby i know I'll get you water and pain killers while you try to sleep ok" Shikamaru said and you nodded and tried to get sleep but you didn't sleep until like 5 in the morning

You were curled up in a ball at home with a migraine your dad was home with you because he had to pick you up from school you passed out at school because your migraines get very bad and to make things worse you got them on a good week only 2 a week and a bad week one almost every day its not always bad but most the time there bad and you only told boruto and your brother boruto said he wouldn't tell anyone but after you passed out again inojin decided to tell you parents
That night
Inojin knocked on your parents door ino was on a mission but sai was home "come in" sai said and Inojin walk in "hello Inojin did you need something" sai asked and Inojin nodded " I know why y/n passed out" inojin said sai looked up at him and pointed to the place next to him and inojin sat down "why did she pass out" sai asked concured "she has really bad migraines almost daily she's thrown up because of them passes out because of them and I think it's taking a toll on her health she's not sleeping and she's not keeping food down at school i think its something worse then just migraines like she says it is" inojin said sai stood up "come with me were gonna talk to her" sai said him and inojin walked to your room and knocked on your door "come in" you said sai and inojin walked in "whats going on is something wrong" you asked sai and inojin sat on you bed "inojin told me some things and I think you now what he told me and I want you to tell me the truth about what's going on" sai said you glared at inojin because you trusted him to keep his damn mouth shut but you decided to tell sai whats been going on "i..I have hemiplegic migraines and I didn't want to tell you because I was worried what you would think" you said explaining you problem sai hugged you tightly "you don't have to be worried about my reaction especially when it includes your health" he said putting his chin on the top of you head you nodded and fell asleep in his arms

Naruto father scenario Where stories live. Discover now