you attempt suicide

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Tw if you don't want to read thats ok and remember there's always help suicide prevention hotline number is 800-273-8255 and to get help from the crisis hot line text HOME 741741 there's always help suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem you're life is worth living please take good care for your self

You felt like no one cared you were alone a lot you had the easy missions because you are just a genin boruto and kawaki are always training or on missions himawari started training with your mother so she could use her byakugan more safely and your father is hokage so he is always busy as well you just felt so alone you didn't talk as much and you spent more time at your uncle nejis grave because you felt safe there you wrote letters to your siblings, mother, father, grandfather, aunt, and boyfriend you sent most of them in the mail but there was one letter you wanted to give in person you walked to the graveyard with the letter and flowers you walked to nejis grave and put the flowers on the grave and the letters opened on the grave "I guess I'll meet you soon uncle neji" you said walking away it was tenten who found your letter because she went to visit nejis grave and she saw the letter 'dear uncle neji I know I've never really met you but I feel so safe around you're grave I don't know why but I know you died saving my parents and I've always wanted to meet you and I will sooner then we both thought because I can't take the feeling of being alone and that I have no one i don't know why I feel this way but I do and I don't want to deal with this anymore I'll be meeting you soon uncle neji' tenten teared up as she read the letter a bird flew in the direction of where you were tenten ran after it running into your mother she told her what was going on and they ran to where the bird already was you were ontop of the great stone faces when the bird landed in front of you chirping you looked at the bird it was like you were frozen in place like something was holding you stopping you from walking off the edge then tenten and hinata ran to you "y/n come away from the edge please" hinata said you felt your body turn and it was like you were getting pushed to your mother the bird jumping after you every step you took until you were in your mother's arms the bird flew away but not before turning to you and you felt safe the same safety you felt at the grave you hugged your mother and bird flew away your father came running and saw you were safe but the only thought in your mind was 'was that you uncle neji if it was thank you' you thought as you teared up your mother took you home and kept her eye on you for about 2 weeks and for the same 2 weeks you saw the same bird following you and one day you put your finger out and the bird landed on your finger "thank you uncle neji" you said and the bird chirped and flew away and you smiled

You wanted your family you felt like you had to grow up very quickly because you did you had to take care of yourself and you cleaned the house did dishes and made food for you and your family when they got home because you got home before all of them and you were stressed out and you felt like you didn't sign up for the life you had and one day it all became to much for you and you grabbed your kunai from your mission bag and slit up your wrist and just let them bleed about an hour later the front door opened "y/n sweetheart are you home" your dad asked but before you could say anything the dizziness overcame you and you passed out causing a thud to echo through the house when your dad heard it he got concerned and walked up to your room "sweetheart are you ok" he asked opening the door and then he saw you unconscious on the floor blood leaking from your arm "oh god no" he said picking you up and started running to the hospital "its ok i got you sweetheart you're gonna be fine" he said as he was holding you tearing up "stay with me sweetie I'm taking you to the hospital" Sasuke said picking you up running out of the house when he got to the hospital he burst in the door "HELP MY DAUGHTER PLEASE" he yelled sakura saw it "WHAT HAPPENED" she yelled run up the both of you another doctor took you "sakura stay out here I've got her" the doctor said sakura nodded and sat next to Sasuke they didn't talk to each other because they were in shock

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