you have a tailed beast seal in you

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This is just Naruto, gaara, and hashirama

They decided that you would have the other half of the 9 tails sealed in you because it was most likely your body would be able to withstand the chakra and other things needed to be the jinchuuriki of the 9 tails and you were currently sleeping after the jinchuuriki sealing process because you were exhausted Naruto walked in and saw the seal that was visible because of the shirt you were wearing he kneeled next to your bed and kissed your forehead waking you up but not completely "papa it hurts" you said referring to your stomach that was sore from the seal that was put on you just two hours "make it stop" you said Naruto rubbed your stomach "i know it hurts it will be ok you did a brave thing and im proud of you" he said hearing he was proud of you made you happy you smiled "i love you papa" you said Naruto smiled back at you "i love you to noodle" he said then kissed your forehead when you fell back asleep he walked out the door "kurama" Naruto said to the fox inside Naruto "what are the down sides of this" Naruto asked kurama sighed "she will have deal with my anger and have to got through everything you did even some people abandoning her" kurama said this broke Narutos heart to hear "you can protect her as much as you can but you cant protect her against everything" kurama said Naruto nodded and walked to him and hinatas room and went to sleep

A rogue ninja stole shukaku and snuck in then sealed shukaku in you without you being ready for the power and chakra the one tails has as for why the rogue did this was in hopes that someone would take shukaku out of you making Gaara and the village distraught enough so he could take the village over and this was the only way his plan would work your father and the sand elders were going to wait until you had some more training and your body got stronger to seal shukaku in you but he could wait that long "AHH" you screamed in pain as he sealed the tailed beast in you "STOP IT" you yelled in pain kicking and trying to get away from him when he heard people running up the stairs he opened the window and was about to jump out when the door busts open it was your family when gaara saw the seal on your stomach and you shaking and crying from the head rush and the stomach pain "WHAT DID YOU DO SHE WASN'T READY" gaara yelled but the ninja jumped out the window almost dissolving as he fell Gaara put his angry aside and hugged you "it hurts dad it hurts make it stop" you said crying "shhh its ok its ok baby" gaara said hugging you trying to calm you but it wasn't working very well when you eventually fell asleep Gaara told kankuro to make sure to find the man and let him kill the man

You were kidnapped by the stone village and the five tails was sealed in you by the stone village to make you into some unstoppable weapon to use in favor of the stone but when they realized it was a waste of a tailed beats they let the leaf village find you and take you home because if they killed you by taking it out war would come and they would surely lose so they let the leaf village take you and made you there problem to deal with and knowing how dangerous the five tail was you didn't tell your out of fear he would hate you and it kinda made you drift away from your father and he didn't like it because the relationship between the two of you just started getting better so he thought he should talk you he walk to your room and know on the door "hey y/n can i come in" he asked when you opened the door he walked in and sat on your bed with you "whats wrong did i do something if i did please tell me so i can fix it" he asked you started tearing up feeling bad for making him feel this way "p..papa please dont hate me" you said hashirama hugged you "hey whats wrong i wont be mad" he said you looked at him "w..when i was kidnapped they sealed the 5 tails in me" you said hashirama was shocked "what why didn't you tell me" he asked frantically "i..i thought you would hate me" you said and started sobbing "shhhh its ok i would never ever hate you your my daughter i love you and always will" hashirama said hugging you tightly "i..i love you papa" you said slowly falling asleep

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