your first word

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Your father was home trying to get you to talk "come on y/n say dada you can do it" then himawari and boruto walked in the door you looked at them and then back at the door that opened again your grandfather, mother, and hinabi walked in you looked at them and smiled "auntie" hiashi smiled and hinabi pick "thats right im your auntie" you laughed himawari and boruto jumping up and down because you said your first word hinabi laughed because Naruto was sulking in the corner because you didn't say dada hinata came over and kissed your forehead you looked at you father "dada" you said he looked at you and cheered and everyone started laughing because hinabi and Naruto were fighting about what your first word was

Sasuke wasn't home because he was on one of his 'missions' and you were sad because he was never home and you wanted him to be kakashi came over with Naruto and sai for a team 7 reunion type thing you saw sais black hair and thought if your father you crawled up to sai and he looked confused you put your arms up "dada" sakura almost died, naruto was laughing his ass off, sai was panicking, kakashi was shocked, sarada pick you "to the wrong person but ok" she said you looked at sai you still thought he was your father because he is never home you felt like you were unwanted by your father your real one and sai

It was the day before the chunin exam and your uncles, cousin, and his team were at the nara house you were practicing a hand signs you saw you brother do and it worked it was the shadow possession jutsu you didn't know who it work on until you looked up and saw you uncle gaara in a shadow possession jutsu "what the heck why can't I move" he asked very confused your dad was looking around and saw you confused and he just started dieing with laughter "WHATS SO FUNNY" everyone yelled he pointed at you who still had you hands in the position "how the hell" kankuro said "I'd smake you right know if I could move" you took your hand down freeing gaara "hell" you said everyone looked at you and then back at kankuro but then back at you when you started to stand up you walked over to gaara falling a couple time in the process "I swory" you said as you hugged gaaras leg he picked you up "its ok I'm not mad" he said picking you up shinki and shikadai were chasing kankuro Shikamaru was still dieing yodo and araya were so confused but started chasing kankuro because they were bored temari was smiling because she got the whole thing on video

You thought your brothers team was so cool you wanted to be in the academy just like them but you also had another wish then what your mom had in mind you wanted to become hokage and protect the village but you were still a baby so you couldn't just tell them one day the whole family was home you were painting for a baby you were vary good at it you drew one of your best pictures yet when you drew a picture of you as hokage showing what you wanted but you couldn't get anyone's attention but chocho and shikadai were there and you got the attention of inojin, shikadai and they pointed to you your parents looked over at you and you handed them the picture "h..hokage" you said they looked at you happy you said your first word sai looked picture he was worried he wouldn't be able to take care of you if you became hokage but he didn't want to not let you have you own dreams so he smiled and hugged you happy you said your first word

You were in his office when shinki walked in you crawled over to him "shinki" you said he looked down at you eyes wide gaara had the same expression he picked you up hugged you tightly you grumbled as if you were saying to tight he pulled away from the hug and smiled at you gaara walked over to you and put his hand over your forehead his thumb on the place were his mark would be if it was on you he didn't know why but he had a feeling eventually you would have a mark like his

You were with iruka and you father at the academy exam and you waved at everyone and you saw boruto "boruto" you said kakashi Iraka and practically the whole class died from how adorable it was

You were with kisame and you crawled over to samehada kisame noticed to late that when he heard crying he ran to where you were "Y/N" the shark boy yell you hugged him "s..sharky" you said kisame didn't know to laughed or cry because it was cute but you were hurt and he didn't know what to do so he cleaned your cuts an let you ride on his shoulders

Your father was in the lab and you were ok with it that ment you got to spend the day with log you went looking for him following a trale of smoke from his cigarettes then you found him not only were you walking but you said your first word "log" you said log looked at you he laughed and picked you up "im so proud of you y/n" log said happy you said your first word

You were with your mom when you got hungry so you said something about it "hungry" you said tenten looked at you she picked you up and hugged you and immediately called neji to tell him it didn't sound like it but he jump halfway up in the air because you said your first word

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