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"Stellar Ridge"
{ιν α ονcε υπον α τιμε}


"We're here~"

Fire stopped at the top of the ridge they have climbed and he gave a significant whistle. After a while, large creatures came flying and allowed them to ride on and brought them to the highest point of the ridge where a secret door opened and they entered in leading to an underground waterfall where a house stood.

"Fire! You're back!"

The moment they reached the house, a girl came running to meet Fire and she even kissed his cheeks in delight before greeting the visitors that she was motionless when she stretched her hand to Kaejo already.



"Big brother?!"

"But how-?"

Kaejo blinked a few times before he glanced at Fire who smiled at the two.

"Big brother! I missed you so much!"

The younger girl exclaimed and tightly wrapping her arms around Kaejo and tears accumulated in her eyes. Kaejo did the same...

"But how?" Kaejo muttered and Fire invited them first inside the house.

"Honestly, a week ago, Erice and I happen to have came across each other in a certain marketplace. I found her working in a certain stall and so I convinced her to leave her work and just live here."

"I didn't expect seeing Fire again, Big Brother. And I was so excited that I quit that job and came here. Miss Delaney was so nice and she treated me well... I am glad to know you are safe and we get to see each other again~! I am sorry I didn't came back! I lost my memories after we got lost in that lagoon back then and I was sold to work in that marketplace to a rude lady... My memory only returned after Fire used his necklace on me."

"I understand, Erice~ I understand... I am just glad to know you are alive~ If only mom could-"

Kaejo was interrupted from speaking yet again when his little sister eyed him.

"And mom??"

"About mom, Erice... Mom died days ago because of her illness~"

The atmosphere changed and the princess met his twin brother's gaze.

"Fire... Really, what happened why you didn't came back? Did you chose to abandon being an heir of the throne?"

The princess asked in whisper that Erice noticed how she drew closer to him.

"And who are they, Big bro??"

Erice asked so Kaejo introduced Air and Ryel to her younger sister and how they ended up meeting.

Erice cooked them their dinner and they talked about important matters regarding the imperial crown.

"According to my investigation, the person who stole the imperial crown was last seen near the forbidden cave the night it was stolen. However, no one managed to find out who that was. Added to that, it was said that someone entered the forbidden cave that same night and that was when the seal was undone. Right now, Shiro has made the palace his and has made captive almost everyone who doesn't receive his new order and his mark."

Fire stated during their meeting and the princess stood up and brought the storybook out to show it to them.

"Mom believed this can help but I haven't thought how...."

The princess said and Fire recognized the storybook that he gently opened it, read through the pages, and looked at the princess.

"Only you and me can use the imperial crown against Shiro, Fire. But how are we going to fight against him?"

Fire looked back at the story book and back to his twin sister before laying the book on the table.


Serena as Erice

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