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"And They Lived Happily Ever After"
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Fire stepped aback and he didn't raise his head to see his heartbroken sister after she came and cried for the body on the blood-stained altar.

And at that same moment, the crown beamed with a bright light that he saw himself standing before Shiro when the light stopped beaming. He was already clothed in a prince's  garment and his sword was engraved with a word.


Fire tightened his grip on the sword realizing the sacrifice that it demanded to activate the power of the Imperial crown.

He pointed the blade to Shiro and they ended in a tight battle until Fire managed to defeat Shiro and he vanished to thin air.

The next thing that happened is that the sky darkened and it rained for forty days without stopping.

Fire was bedridden throughout that rainy days and Air went back to the palace and started the resuming of duties as the princess.

After forty days, the Imperial crown gleamed during the eclipse and Fire's failing health due to his inevitable illness caused him to die that night. And with his death, the dark magic was fully eliminated leaving no more trace to be recovered or to bring back the existence of Shiro to their place.

The marks which were sealed on the foreheads of those who received them willingly in fear or in surrender to Shiro burned those people to their death and those who refused to receive Shiro's mark were brought back to life. 

Seven years passed after that grand history, the palace was back to its normal acitivities. The kingdoms were back to life and peace.

Ochre married the girl he met in the hidden place and they managed to rebuild the kingdom he came from and ruled there. Cameron became Ochre's right hand and adviser since he stayed there.

Hail and Ryel served in the palace and managed to live together as well.

As for the princess, she went out one afternoon and basked under the sun in the garden.

"I am so happy that today is my birthday!!"

A young girl came running around the princess with her arms stretched and she was likely attempting to soar with the breeze before she stopped and picked up a chrysanthemum flower.

"Mom, let's bring dad some of these! I am sure he is back from the palace~!"

The princess smiled at the young girl before she held her in her arms and they picked the chrysanthemums together before heading back to their house nearby the valley.

Back in the palace, Erice kissed his big brother before letting go of her embrace and she smiled at him.

"Kaejo! Please give this to Claire as our present~!"

Two young boys came running the hallway of the palace and were holding chrysanthemums with their hands which they gave to the departing man.

"Oh, we are sorry for that, Kaejo... Arhyl was too excited to give Claire a present today..."

Hail and Ryel came apologizing for the interruption of their son and Erice only smiled seeing her son handing out the flowers as well to his uncle.

"It is no problem~ I am sure Claire will love them... Thank you, Arhyl. Thank you, Erick..."

Kaejo received the flowers and smiled at the two boys that another person also came before he can leave already.

"Tell Amfrel to visit tonight so we can all celebrate, Kaejo."

Kaejo smiled and he shook hands with the person who spoke.

"I'll make sure we will, Cedrick."

And he left with a bright smile that he was greeted with a warm hug when he arrived home.

"Amfrel, your brother invites us to celebrate Claire's birthday tonight in the palace..."

"Really? And I thought we wouldn't get to go there anymore... Alright. That is fine."

"Really? I can get to see big bro Erick and I can play with Arhyl!"

The little girl merrily leaped for joy before giving her mom and dad a hug and they prepared for the night.

The celebration took place after everything they have been through in the past years.

Kaejo didn't eventually die that time he was offered as a sacrifice and it was the princess' grief in thought of losing him that became the initiator demanded by the Imperial crown.

After Fire's death and order was brought back after vanishing Shiro, the Imperial crown was buried with him in his grave and Air took over the kingdom.

However, after three months, Fire came back with the crown and he became the king since Air requested to live out of the palace then on.

And they lived using their real names as well being Amfrel and Cedrick.

"Ooh~ The princess eventually lived with the prince in the end... Wow~!"

Erice smiled seeing that the three young ones were enjoying the storybook that Amfrel allowed them to read that night.

"In a once upon a time...."

Kaejo said smiling and Ryel and Hail smiled along with him before he happen to have met Amfrel's gaze.

"And they lived happily ever after~"

The new king stated that made the kids to repeat his words and running to their parents before they looked up at the moon in the sky.



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