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"The Sacrifice"
{ιν α ονcε υπον α τιμε}

During their escape, they got lost in the mountains and Fire saw a prerequisite condition to be able to use the Imperial crown's power to defeat Shiro when he touched the crown.

"What??! We must what?!?"

The princess wasn't pleased to what was being demanded but there was no other choice.

One of them has to die to atone for the condition and save everyone else from Shiro but the princess was against someone dying already. She was still haunted by the truth that her mother died out of an impostor and that his father was really dead a long time ago and she couldn't think straight anymore.

Kaejo and Ryel only told them to rest for the night and so they did that everything calmed down.

In the morning, Fire woke up early and Kaejo invited him for a walk down the slopes while the others were sleeping.

"I am truly sorry, Fire. There's no other way, right?"

"Tch~ You... So you caused all this??"

"If I wasn't so conceited back then to prove I wasn't weak and to selfishly want to save my mother from her illness, I couldn't have made things worst... I deserved this punishment. No one else does~ You need to defeat Shiro, Fire..."

Fire tightened his grip on his sword showing both resentment and hesitation as he looked at Kaejo.

His dear friend only narrated how he is responsible for stealing the Imperial crown back then and giving it to that man who released the dark power and became Shiro because he thought he would keep his words and heal his mother if he get the Imperial crown from the palace. Back then, Kaejo didn't know yet about the possibility that the crown was meant to be used in the forbidden cave. Kaejo has decided to correct his mistake now and would want to be the sacrifice demanded by the Imperial crown but Fire has not decided yet what to do.

"We don't have time, Fire! You can't sacrifice anyone else... I am the cause of this trouble... If it wasn't for me~"

"No. I can't blame this all on you~ I am also responsible~ If only I have not ran away from my responsibility after that ambush... If I returned to the palace and told them what really happened, then that man wouldn't have pretended to be father and executed his plan to release the dark power that creates Shiro..."

Both boys fell silent realizing the mistakes they chose in the past and they met each other's resounding gaze as the sun rises from the far east and stretched its rays on them along with the morning dew.

"Go on, now. Fire, I believe you can be a king you are meant to be... You just don't know it yet... And Air is there for you too... Both of you can bring things back to order. Stop Shiro in his New Order System...."

Kaejo closed his eyes when he was already tied and set on an altar that he and Fire made. Fire wore the Imperial crown with a heavy heart before raising his sword against the ray of sunrise that the sunstone gleamed and and the moonstone turned red.

Fire even hesitated and retreated his hands from killing his friend but Kaejo acted and let him get killed in the hands of Fire that his blood flowed down on the stone altar.


That moment, the two didn't know that the princess and the others have been looking for them and the princess saw what happened with his own two eyes that she grieved after getting close to Kaejo's body who only left her a weak, faint, meaningful smile.


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