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"Can I go with you? I promise I won't slow you down... And I know a bit how to fight too... I just really don't have anywhere else safe to go."

The group looked at the young boy who just recovered fully after two days that they looked over him and today was time to leave and continue their journey.

"But it might be dangerous..."

Hail was the one to speak but Cameron insisted and so he went with them in the end.

They have gone to several small towns and even managed to defend the people there when some of Shiro's men came for the sealing.

And the night came once again when they already came to a mountain that they felt something strange in that mountain. There was no breeze and the trees were still.

They trodded the path but they were greeted with a thick fog all of a sudden and it got them separated.

"What is this fog? Fire?! Kaejo? Ryel?! Where are you? Hai-"

The princess felt something that touched her from behind and she was to take out her sword when he saw that it was Cameron who held on her hem and was appearing to be about to cry.

"Oh. I am sorry, Cameron. I am glad you found me~ Were you hurt?"

Cameron only eyed the princess being confused that also made the princess to lift her eyebrow since she didn't hear anything when Cameron spoke something.

That's when they realized that there was really no sound happening around them that they even lost their voices.

The two only walked their way and the princess guided Cameron. It so happen that they were caught in a slippery slope that the princess hurt her ankle so Cameron only assisted her and they rested under a tree beside a stream.

The thick fog hasn't lifted yet and only by using their hands were they able to know what was around them.

They rested for a while but Cameron suddenly pulled out the princess' sword from its sheath and pointed it to her shivering in his anger and the princess wasn't expecting it at all.

She tried to move but her ankle was badly hurt that she wasn't able to do so. She tried to converse but there was nothing to break the earsplitting silence in the forest. It was like the sound was suddenly vanished on the earth and was no more.

The princess managed to dodge Cameron's attempts to kill her and she could barely get a glimpse of what he was shouting at her because of the thick fog. The princess did her best to avoid being killed at all but she still ended up hurting herself again after slipping on some roots and she was finally cornered when her arms were unknowingly tangled up over some loosed vines of the same tree where she slipped.

Cameron already lifted the sword and was to stab the princess when another blade ran against the sword he was using and sent it flying away that someone caught it from the other side.

That moment, a fierce black bird skrieked and the sound in the mountain returned. The black bird eventually attacked the princess but, thankfully, Ryel managed to kill it and Kaejo used the swords he was holding to cut the vines which tangled up on the princess' body.

A moment later and the thick fog started to vanish and Ryel gripped on Cameron's wrist that made the boy to ache in pain.

Kaejo helped the princess up and they interrogated the boy who was already glaring at them trying to free himself from Ryel's grasp.


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