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In the morning when they awoke and have gotten ready to leave, Fire told them that they won't be leaving with everyone anymore.

This was sudden and they didn't approve to let the twins go on their own but Fire explained to them that something is bound to fall on them if they all go together.

He didn't explain it and he also asked Erice to stay even she insisted on going with him.

"What is wrong, Fire? Why are you suggesting that only the two of us must continue?"

"Air, it will only take a day or two to cross the valley and reach the forbidden cave. I can't risk them coming anymore... Something bad is bound to happen if we all go. Besides, only the two us is required to get the crown... Please, trust me."

Fire told his sister and he let her touch the sunstone that she understood what he meant. She later agreed that only the two of them will continue on the journey to the forbidden cave and assured them that they will be fine.

"Are you really sure about this?"

Erice asked being worried when she embraced Fire and he only kissed her on her forehead assuring her of their safe journey.

"The horses are ready..."

Ryel said bringing the two horses when it was time to leave and Fire already rode on his.

"Please protect them, Ryel."

The princess said before riding on her horse and hiding her face with the hood of the cloak she wore.

"Please be safe... And come back for us~"

Cameron told the twins bringing some baked cookies that he and Ochre made a while ago so that the twins can have something to eat on their journey.

"Take care of Ryel, Hail~ He might need your assistance if ever you will be needing to defend this place~  Take care..."

The princess said when she met Hail's gaze that Hail likely blushed so she only told the princess to be safe as well and return as soon as possible.

"Bye for now..."

The princess said and she and Fire left on the horses and journeyed through the valley that whole day and they only stopped during the sunset and rested in the woods.

The next morning, they continued their trail and they reached the boundary going to the forbidden cave. When they reached the area where the black smoke was, they left the horses and walked through it.

Indeed everything was barren throughout the place where the smoke has reached but the two kept going and they made sure that they were hidden from the black birds that were hovering over the sky.

Not anymore sooner when they finally reached the entrance of the cave and they didn't hesitated to go in that the two stones on their necklaces gleamed and lighted their way until they reached the part where they spotted the Imperial crown.

The Imperial crown was likely stucked in a thick, crimson crystal that even their swords weren't able to break it through.

"Fire, try to use this~ Ochre gave it to me... I think it can help~"

The princess handed a small strange stone to her twin and he pounded it before throwing the small particles onto the crimson crystal that it eventually melted and they were able to retrieve the crown.

"It is fine. We can use this now.."

The princess uttered delightedly upon taking hold of the Imperial crown and she smiled in great relief to her brother.

"The stone Ochre gave you is a purifying meteorite that is known to melt crystals with dark aura or magic. It was very helpful. We should thank him later. Now, we only need to put the twin stones~"

Fire said taking his necklace and he also asked for the moonstone from Air that the two gems gleamed brightly and merged in one before attaching to the Imperial crown.

"It is time, Fire... You need to recite the oath of the eclipse..."

Fire looked at the Imperial crown before he looked at his sister who was already anticipating.

"I can't..."

"Huh? What do you mean? You are the one to be the next king~! This is for you to-"

"I don't think I am rightful for this~ I am not... I am not ready.. I don't think I can fight against Shiro at this rate. I was only supposed to help you~"

The princess tried to cheer her brother but the cave suddenly shook and they felt a strong gust of wind and they saw that the black birds have already gotten in the cave.

The time they taught they will be in great trouble again, they found themselves in the palace all of a sudden and before them was the king, their father, and he was locked in a cage that the princess was supposed to go to him but she was suddenly caught by a trap and was quickly hanged upside-down.



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