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I have only one thing on my mind: Rescue Beth. The street is pretty much filled with walkers but not one of them will stop me. I have no plan. Carol will probably kick my us after my impulsive action but who fucking cares. Now Beth is close and somehow it's worth my pretty shity life. 

I have been hiding for a while, killed a couple of fuckers and I noticed there's one entrance they are not paying attention to: the walker pit one. Noah barely told me about it but it's an elevator where they throw the bodies and it's a walker dumpster. That's my choice. What the hell! If they think I will be scared of walkers, they obviously had not seen me deal with them at all. I will take that entrance and kill every one walker or fucking person that gets in my way. I have made up my mind and there's no going back. As soon as I'm in, Rick will get here with the others and Beth will be back where she belongs... with Maggie... and me. Shit. Would she still be Beth as I know her? It's been a while and I have no idea if they did something to change her mind. It doesn't matter, I'll get her back, I will rescue her and she will be fine. I promise myself that as far as my fucking pride goes. 

I have to make that fucking guard take the bait and I need help from the only ones beside me: walkers. Who would have thought? This crazy mother fucker world or what is left of it. I throw a stone at the fence, where he's standing. He instantly turns around as the walkers start getting closer and pushing it. He has a radio. I have to move fast or he will ask for help. I start running towards the walkers and kill them with my cross bow and even my bare hands holding arrows. I manage to get the guard attention and yell - They will break the fence! Move out now! - I'm so fucking serious, he just drops his radio and steps back. He's probably shitting his pants by now. I had never been so fast and clear walkers on my way. As I get to the entrance, the guard looks at me as I'm some kind of hero. What an idiot. I have to make my move now. -Open up! More are coming! - I look around and it's true. I left my blood all over so basically, it's his doom or mine. He doubts for a minute but ends up opening it and I rush inside - Thanks- I say and when he tries to reach his radio to bust me, I have no choice. I push the bastard out and lock him. Feast to the undead. I have no time to dwell on that. It was him or me. 

I reach the pit of the elevator and it's disgusting. There are parts of walkers and some of them are still moving. I climb avoiding them but I slip and one of them catches my leg. I'm holding from the edge of the wall and I manage to stab his head before it bites me. - That was close! - I curse and keep climbing. Once I reach the second floor I see her. My heart stops for a second. Fuck. She is alive. She's mopping the floor and her angelical face is hurt. I will make sure whoever did this to her, pays. I am staring unseen when another calls her and she leaves. The hallway is clear and it's my chance to get into action. I move slowly and hide behind a corner when two girls walk nearby - Dawn is busy with the blonde- One of them says and my heart shrinks. Busy? I feel the urge to run to her but that would blown my cover. I find an open closet and put a medical gown. The girls are still gossiping when one of them enlights me - She spends most of her time in there, her room is her cage, poor Dawn's new bitch!- She laughs and I fist my hand. As soon as they leave I rush to her room.

It smells like Beth. Her scent is the same. My girl is still the same. I know it. I dreamt about seeing her again but I never thought I would feel this freaking nervous. Now we are both inside and I might have to fight to take her out from these fuckers. Specially this Dawn, she is going down for sure. I hear a noise and hide in the closet. - Shit, I left the door opened!- I muttered and I can see her yellow shirt. It's bloody and it looks the same way it did when they took her. I spy as someone gets into the room. I storm out and cover her mouth. She's blonde, she's tiny and my arms around her feel like we never been apart. Beth. I found her and she's in my arms again. I can see she has a pair of scissors on her hands and I quietly smile - You're not alone... not anymore - I say and she knows it's me since she slowly faints into my arms as I wrap her tight. I have her back. This time for good.  

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