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I can barely breath. Dawn is fucking pointing her gun at Beth's head. Rick and I keep aiming too but suddenly Rick lower his gun. SHIT. He better has a plan or I will just blow Dawn's brains out. -Alright, let's settle this like adults, Dawn- Rick says and makes a sign so I put my gun down too. Beth is completely scared though she is good at hiding it. I can tell. - I was wondering when you were going to appear- Dawn says and I fist my hand. - Is she that important to you? - Dawn spits this out glaring at Daryl mainly but she asks Rick - Is she worth the blood that will be spill? - At this, I can't help myself but shiver. Sasha grabs my arm to calm me. - Let's talk about this, there's no need to spill blood, Dawn- Rick says calmly - Put your gun down, we already know you run things here and I respect that - Rick says and Dawn slowly lets Beth go but not far from her. Basically we are still in the middle of the fire line. 

- She is important because she is family to us, Dawn- Rick says and I smile. I missed them. My family. They are here for me and though I might die today and I will if I have to, I am smiling. Daryl is not taking his eyes off me and I try to show him that I'm not scared. - Dawn, please... - I say softly and she grabs my arm - You belong here now- She says to me and Daryl just jumps forward but is stopped by Rick. Dawn points her gun at me again - Stay there or I will shoot... I'm not kidding, Dixon- She says and sounds pissed - Dawn, you knew I was never here even though you kept me locked - I try to make her come to sense and she turns me around - That's how you thank me? For saving you and your lover? - Dawn looks at me and her eyes glare fire - You let Noah go and he was family to me - She says and it's so focus on making me scared, she doesn't notice the fact that behind them, Carol is aiming a gun at her, hidden at a corner. I glance at Rick - I am thankful, Dawn- I look down - I'm sorry for Noah - I sound so naive.

- I'm right here, Dawn- Noah speaks coming from behind Sasha and Dawn's eyes sparkle - You're alive! - She almost smiles and Noah nods - They kept me alive, too, Dawn- Noah says and Dawn is now confused - But you led them here, why? - She asks and Rick says - Because he knows Beth belongs with us- I can see Dawn's face is beyond crazy. 

FUCK. Why can I just kick her face? Rick keeps me in line and I know Beth wouldn't like me to do that so I stay still. I just want this to be over. This is so freaking messed up and Rick said barely shit to me so I have no clue what he and Carol have in mind. - Let her go, you need me, they need her- Noah says and I can see Beth is starting to look helpless and she caress about the kiddo. - Noah, don't! - Beth says in despair and Dawn pushes her hard to the wall - Shut up! - I can see Beth hits her head but doesn't fall. Sasha's grip stronger cause I'm about to snap badly. - I'm coming! Don't hurt her, Dawn - Noah says and Rick lets him walk - You get Noah back, we get Beth back... easy like that- Rick says and I can see Carol is ready for something but what?

Noah is getting locked up again because of me. This is not fair. - You should consider yourself lucky, Beth...- Dawn grabs my arm and brings me close to her. I just want to stab her in the neck. But she pushes me forward and I trip bumping into Noah- Noah, get your ass here, right now! - Dawn yells holding to her gun tight. Noah is about to walk and I hug him tight - I'm sorry- I whisper and he hugs me back - It's ok, I promise - He says and I glare at Dawn. Noah walks to her and I walk to Daryl that quickly reaches for my hand. -Beth! - He pouts staring at me because I'm not being fast enough. -This is not fair! - I say and with a sorry look, I bite my lip and Daryl freaks out. I turn around and take a few steps to Dawn. Rick is close - I get it now- I say and I'm so angry - You think we're pieces of your chess game but we're not... - I can see Carol is slowly moving toward to us so I feel stronger - You think you own us, but you don't! - Dawn is face to face and she looks surprised at my anger rush. For a moment, nothing is said. 

SHIT. I think this will blow up in our faces any moment now. Beth is really brave but I have to do something now or Dawn will shoot her or us and this can turn into a massacre. I delivery walk toward them and grab Beth's arm - Enough- I say and Beth snaps back - You don't understand Daryl, Noah doesn't deserve this! - She says and her eyes are now teary. I fold my arms around her and stepping back, I whisper - Strike down- And I kiss her hair. -What did you say? - Dawn asks me and what was going to be the end, turns out to be the begining - Nothing- I say but she just points her gun at Beth and I automatically place her behind me - You set me up! Bastard! - Dawn shouts and I can see her finger presses the trigger. 

The next few seconds are in slow motion. Noah runs to us, I just push Beth into the floor and we fall down. Carol shoots and I can see Dawn's falling to the ground with a bullet in her head. The people there is still as if they were glad. Rick grabs my arm and he has tears in his eyes as moved. I hold Beth tight and I see it... Blood in the floor and my clothes and hers. SHIT... What went wrong! 


Thanks for reading me! This is far beyond exciting! As I said... there are more chapters to go! 8 more to be exactly. Stay tuned cause this ain't far from over... What do you think it happened here? What went wrong actually? Remember, this ain't TWD crappy finale! So... just wait for it!

I will update as soon as we reach 100 views or more! All the love. x ~ M

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