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"And now I wait"
Jisung kept a close eye on everyone who passes, waiting to grab the model. A few minutes later there he was, Hwang Hyunjin. The younger pulled the model into the alley, gently pushing him against the wall.

Hyunjin was freaked out at first at getting yanked into the alleyway but relaxed after seeing Jisung who looked harmless.

"Hello~ My name's Jisung~" Jisung purred while holding hyunjins hands.

"Hi, I'm hyunjin" it wasn't until Jisung backed up a bit that he saw Jisung's outfit. Hyunjin wasn't out as bi yet but it was completely obvious to the younger that he wasn't straight after seeing the way he looked him up and down.

Hyunjin was instantly turned on by it. Jisung smirked, "I was thinking you could come back to my place~ have some fun~" he made sure to lace his voice with lust and seduction, just like Minho had taught him. It worked very well, especially since he actually wanted to do hyunjin.

"Sure princess" Hyunjin replied with the same lusty tone in his voice, pulling Jisung closer by his tiny waist. Jisung giggled a bit and backed off. "This way~" Jisung led hyunjin with him back to the car. When they got in he straddled hyunjin's lap. "Take us home" he told bin before turning his attention back to hyunjin.

Before Changbin even started driving off Jisung had already pressed his lips onto hyunjin with his hands going to the oldest's hair deepening the kiss. Hyunjin instantly responding to the kiss, wrapping his arms around the youngers waist pulling his body closer.

Jisung bit the models lower lip asking for entrance which hyunjin gladly gave him. Jisung could feel hyunjins dick getting hard underneath him. He smirked and kissed the older more intensely.

Jisung felt the car park infront of the mansion. He pulled away, loving how the older tried to chase after his lips. "I think we should take this to the bedroom, don't you?"

Hyunjin quickly nodded just wanting to get the others lips back on his own already. The two got out quickly going inside. Hyunjin's attention too focused on Jisung to notice they entered a mansion instead of a regular house. They didn't even make it all the way to Jisung's room before they were making out in the hallway. Eventually they got there though.


Once they got in the room their clothes started coming off instantly. First hyunjin's hoodie and shirt then Jisung's. Jisung pushed hyunjin back onto the bed, straddling him right after, then continuing their make out session. Hell if Jisung knew it was this easy to get the older into his bed he would've tried it a long time ago.

Hyunjin starting to change into his subby mindset  becoming more desperate for Jisung. He pushed his hips up to get some friction causing both of them to moan. The younger moving to hyunjin's neck, sucking on it, leaving dark marks while searching for his sweet spot. Both grinding on each other like their lives depended on it. "S-Sungie~" hyunjin let out in a soft moan when the young found his sweet spot.

Jisung trailed kisses down hyunjin's abs leaving a few marks along the way. He teases the older by licking over his clothed member. "S-sungie please"

"Please what prince?"

"Take them off, t-touch me"

Jisung smirked then slowly undid and pulled off hyunjin's jeans. "You want me to touch you jinnie? Where? Here?" He asked, palming hyunjin through his boxers. The older throwing his head back, letting out a moan while bucking his hips up against Jisung's hand.


Jisung hummed then proceeded to pull off hyunjin's boxers. A small gasp leaving hyunjin as his hard on was exposed to the cold air. He watched the younger go between his legs and start to lick the tip of his dick. Small moans leaving his mouth as the younger continued teasing him. Right when hyunjin was about to complain about the teasing he watched Jisung take his whole dick in his mouth. Hyunjin let out a loud moan this time when he felt his tip hit the back of the youngers throat. "S-shit, j-Jisung~" he held on to Jisung's hair slightly thrusting into his mouth.

Luckily Jisung didn't have a gag reflex but that didn't stop his eyes from becoming teary. He loved how hyunjin used his mouth. "A-ah~ c-cumming~" the older warned before cumming down Jisung's throat, unintentionally forcing him to swallow it.

Jisung sat up and started jerking off hyunjin. Hyunjin whining from the sensitivity. "Cmon prince~ your princess needs to get off too~" a short while later and hyunjin was fully hard again, moaning as Jisung hand moved on his dick.

Once the younger saw he was hard enough he grabbed a condom out of his drawer, taking off his skirt and lace underwear, then putting the condom on hyunjin. He may not mind getting a bit messy during sex but he wasn't a fan of cleaning cum out of his ass. Plus he didn't know how much hyunjin slept around.  The younger was already prepped from earlier since he was planning for this to happen.

So without hesitation he slid down onto hyunjin's dick. Both moaning with their heads tilting back. Jisung from how full hyunjin made him feel and hyunjin from Jisung's tightness. It didn't take long for Jisung to lift almost completely off of hyunjin's dick only to slam right back down on it. Jisung let out an extremely loud moan since he hit directly on his prostate. Moans were echoing off the walls as Jisung was riding hyunjin. Hyunjin's hands moving to grip Jisung's waist tightly, most likely leaving bruises. "F-fuck hyunjin ~"

Hyunjin thrusting up into the boy, matching Jisung's pace. It didn't take long for both of them to get close. "Jinnie~ c-close~"

"M-me to princess"

A few minutes later and the two came. Hyunjin in the condom and Jisung on their chests. Both tired, hyunjin more than Jisung since he came twice. Luckily there was wipes on the dresser because Jisung knew walking was gonna be a struggle. Pulling off of the older, the two letting out soft moans, Jisung tossed the used condom in the trash and wiped down the both of them. Plopping on the bed next to hyunjin he realized the older was out already. "Goodnight jinnie" he said covering them and heading off to sleep.

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