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What was in the East wing?

"Got it jinnie?" Jisung asked kneeling down to hyunjin's level.

"Yeah... b-but what about my career?"

Jisung hummed and thought. He knew how much the older loved modeling. He couldn't take that away, not completely.

"Let's see how you behave here first and then I'll decide what we're gonna do about that"

Hyunjin nodded. He couldn't let his career go to crap because some mafia wanted him. So that meant he had to be good, not mess around.

"Good boy" Jisung praised. "Now stay put, don't wander off while I'm gone."

"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked in a hushed tone.

"Work jinnie, gotta keep you safe remember." He winked and left the room. It was dark since the room was all black. 'What could I do?' Hyunjin thought. He didn't even have his phone to keep him busy. 'Guess I'll just wait.' He thought before laying back down on Jisung's bed.

With Jisung
"Chan what's the update on EXO?"

"They're pissed, they don't know who took hyunjin but they want him bad."

"Well they aren't getting him. That's final. Make sure none of the lower ranks spill that he's here. Actually just make sure they don't know in general that he's here."

"Alright, anything else?"

"No just work on the usual check ins"

"Okay" Chan left Jisung's office, leaving him alone for the time being. But Jisung started getting thirsty... for blood. It'd been a while since he'd had someone to kill or torcher. Jisung had a bit of a blood lust. Luckily it hasn't gotten out of control and hopefully never will.

So being himself he skipped down the hallway, down the stairs and into the basement. "Innie~" he called out.

"Yes hyung?" Jeongin came out from around the corner.

"How many rats do we have?"

"Mmm 6"

"And how many do we still need information from?"


"Great! Where's the two who are useless?"

Jeongin pointed to two rooms they had in the basement. "Great! Thanks innie!" Jisung skipped off to the first room while Jeongin left the basement. He knew what Jisung was about to do and he didn't wanna hear it.

'Hmm should I use just my dagger? Yep, dagger is the best' Jisung thought before happily going into the room, twirling his custom made dagger in his hand.

The guy was tied on the chair, dried blood from a few days ago. "I already told you everything I know! I swear!" He cried out.

"Oh I know. But I want to have some.. fun. So if you didn't want this, you shouldn't have gotten caught in the first place. Don't you know better than to get involved with SKZ?"

"I didn't know I swear! Please!" The guy was begging but Jisung simply toned it out, looking him up and down figuring out what to do first.

"Shut up." Jisung's tone completely changed, his smile dropped. The guy fell silent out of fear. Jisung slowly making his way to behind the man. "Let's see how long you can last." Jisung smirked watching the guy struggling in the chair. 'Let the torcher begin'

It was so boring, hyunjin sat in the room for at least 4 hours doing nothing. However one question kept ringing in his mind. 'What's in the east wing that Jisung wants to hide?' He tried to shake it off. Only managing to do so when the door opened revealing Yoojin.

"Hello hyunjin, Lunch is ready. Sungie wants me to escort you so you don't get lost. She had a warm smile almost mother like. Feeling that he could trust her he got up from the bed.

"Ok thank you ma'am"

"Ew no, don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old." She chuckled a bit. "Just call me yoojin or noona."

Hyunjin nodded. "Okay noona!" He smiled back at her.

"Cmon, the food is probably getting cold by now." The two walked down the many halls. It was the first time hyunjin was getting a real look at the place. He was glad yoojin was there to guide him, he would've gotten lost on his own.

"Noona you seem much more comfortable and relaxed around Jisung then the others, why is that?"

"Well for starters I've know Jisung since he was in elementary school. He's best friends with my little brother, Seungmin. Because of that he's more open to being soft with me."

Hyunjin hummed in response. "But why is he so cold and mean to everyone else?"

"Oh well, Jisung didn't really have the best childhood. He was bullied a lot for how he was. So when he became the leader of SKZ, he didn't want people to see him as weak or try to overtake him. Best way to control people is fear."

"So he's mean so they won't question his authority?"

"Yes, but also so his enemies can't find his weakness"

"Does he even have weaknesses? He's very intimidating... even for being as small as he is"

Yoojin chuckled a bit. "Everyone has weaknesses hyunjin, Jisung's being you"

"Me?" To say he was shocked was to say the least. How could he be the weakness of a boy he just met.

"Mhm, think about it hyunjin. Why would the most powerful Mafia in South Korea protect you?"

Hyunjin thought for a moment. He really couldn't see why he would or how he would even know him. Yes he was slightly famous but why would someone like Jisung care?

"You caught his eye hyunjin. And now he's gonna protect you." They had reached the dinning room before hyunjin could ask more questions about Jisung.

"Will you be eating too?"

"If you want me to, then of course I will jinnie"

A smile and nod was all it took for yoojin to take a seat across from him and the other maids to serve her a plate. Were they jealous that yoojin always got special treatment like dinning with the master or getting to do as she pleased most of the time? Yes. But they were more afraid of what Jisung would say if they confronted her about it. So they stayed quiet.

All except the one.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now