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The next day was the same, Jisung had to do work. Leaving hyunjin alone with kkami. And once again, hyunjin's mind wondered to the east wing. A little exploration wouldn't hurt too much right? He got up and peaking into the halls. The coast was clear so he walked out, kkami following behind him.

The house was big so it definitely took him a moment to find it. This part of the house looked a bit messy compared to the rest. But it didn't look dangerous. It looked empty which made hyunjin more curious. As he walked into the east wing he heard kkami start growling. "Shush, there's nothing there" but kkami didn't stop while walking with hyunjin.

"Kkami seriously! There isn't anything-" hyunjin was cut off my being slammed against the wall. Kkami barked loudly and bit the man but was kicked off. "Kkami!" Hyunjin yelled when hearing his puppy whimper. Kkami got up and ran off.

"Well well well, what do we have here." The man looked hyunjin up and down.

⚠️trigger warning⚠️

More men came out into the hall.

"Well doesn't he look pretty" one of them said with a look that terrified hyunjin. He tried fighting back but it was useless against so many.

"Stop struggling bitch!" He was punched. That was the first time hyunjin had been hit. He absolutely hated it.

"Mm I wonder what's underneath" one guy ripped off hyunjin's shirt. He started to cry. He was scared, he felt exposed. He didn't want this but he couldn't stop them. He felt weak, useless.

"Stop! P-please stop!"

"Aw the sluts begging now" they started feeling hyunjin up. He felt so disgusted.

—————————— with Jisung ——————————

Jisung was in his office when Kkami ran in and started barking at him.

"Wha- kkami? Shouldn't you be with hyunjin?" when kkami started pulling at Jisung's sweats he notice kkami was limping, like he was hurt.

It confused Jisung. Hyunjin wouldn't hurt kkami, there should be no reason why kkami was hurt.

Then it hit him. Something happened to hyunjin. Quickly he grabbed a gun out of his drawer. He rarely used it. But for this he needed something quick that could kill from a long distance. He promised hyunjin he would protect him and he was already failing. "Show me where he is kkami"

Kkami ran out. Jisung quickly following behind him. That's when he realized. Kkami was taking him to the east wing. This was where the lower members of his mafia lived. The ones who he wasn't really a fan of but they helped do the dirty work, like cleaning up the bodies or being decoys.

Jisung got there and rage flowed through him. Without hesitation he shot the guy on hyunjin straight through the head. Everyone paused and looked towards Jisung. Hyunjin on the other hand let out a scream seeing the man killed right infront of him. Fear running through all of them when they saw how pissed off Jisung was. All of them backing off from hyunjin who instantly curled up trying to hide his body.

⚠️ warning over⚠️

Jisung pushed a button in his pocket. It alerted the main members of SKZ. All of them came running ready to attack whoever it was that made Jisung call for them. Jisung still holding his gun shot the two closest to hyunjin. One guy tried to run but that failed. The other members got there shocked at the sight. "Deal with them."

Chan and Felix instantly getting to work. Jeongin went to get their spaces ready in the basement. Changbin and Minho dragging off the dead ones. Before Seungmin did anything Jisung stopped him. "Go wait in my room." Seungmin instantly went.

He was beyond pissed but softened when he went to hyunjin. "Jinnie? Jinnie it's me, Sungie." Hyunjin glanced up at Jisung. Jisung didn't want to touch hyunjin incase he would accidentally trigger something.

"It's okay now, they won't be able to hurt you anymore. You'll never have to see them again."
Hyunjin instantly latched onto Jisung sobbing against the youngers chest. Jisung took this as a sign of hyunjin being okay with contact with him. "I'm gonna hug you now Jinnie, and put my hand on your head" he said softly to not startle the older. Jisung then doing exactly as he said. Putting one arm around to hyunjin while putting his hand onto hyunjin's head. Gently shushing him and playing with his hair to calm him.

"Let's get you cleaned and into some comfy clothes yes?"

Still crying hyunjin nodded. "I'm going to pick you up okay?" Jisung felt another nod. Lifting hyunjin carefully, the older wrapping his legs around Jisung's waist. They went back to Jisung's room. "Jinnie would it be okay if I called yoojin in to bathe you?" Once again he only got a nod. "Okay" Jisung set hyunjin down on the sink counter. "I'll be right back" hyunjin really didn't want to let go of Jisung but did anyways.

Jisung went out into the hall. "Noona!" He called out when he say yoojin.

"Yes Sungie?"

Jisung motioned her into the room. "Hyunjin... I found him in the east wing..."  yoojin instantly knew what most likely happened. After all a similar scenario had happened to her a few years back.

"Where is he?"

"In the bathroom" she nodded and went in to help him.

Jisung went to Seungmin. "Minnie when they're done in there can you check hyunjin for any injuries?"

"Of course Ji... what are you going to do about the men."

"Make examples. They need to be kept in check. The ones who are in the basement won't be coming out alive. And the ones who didn't participate are going to see what'll happen if they try anything like that." Jisung's voice was dark. Seungmin knew not to question Jisung right now. Being friends for so long he knew what Jisung was capable of. And those guys were in for it...

"Just make sure your there for hyunjin first. He seems attached to you already. He needs you right now." Jisung nodded. He knew he'd have to deal with them later. But when he did, they were going to suffer.

"I've gotta call the vet to get kkami checked out."

"I'll do that. You just stay here for hyunjin" Seungmin gave a small smile to Jisung which he returned.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now