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Hyunjin was confused when they went into the basement. It was dark and didn't smell good there.


"Yes jinnie?"

"Why are we here"

"Because I need to teach the people who did that to you a lesson." Jisung's tone a bit darker.

"T-they are here?"

Jisung nodded. "They can't hurt you baby, I promise. Do you want to see? So you know they can't hurt you?" Jisung asked when he saw the older tense. Hyunjin nodded, he thought seeing them unable to hurt him would calm his nerves.

"Ok, just tell me if you want to leave and I'll have Jeongin take you back to the room ok?"

"O-ok" hyunjin kept a tight grip on Jisung's hand.

Jisung grabbed one of the keys and went into the room it belonged to. Hyunjin hiding behind Jisung slightly. Jisung's whole aura went dark when he saw the man. If hyunjin wasn't there he would already be torchering the man.

"I-I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again!" The guy was panicking the second Jisung came in.

"Shut it." Jisung said in a tone hyunjin hadn't heard before. It was dark and scary. The guy must have got the same feeling because he instantly shut up.

Jisung's aura switched again when he looked at hyunjin. "See prince, he can't hurt you anymore. Neither can the others. They won't ever hurt you again. I promise"

Hyunjin nodded. He felt safe, especially when looking into Jisung's eyes. The younger smiled at him. "Prince would you like to help choose how I teach him a lesson?"

Hyunjin wasn't sure what lesson Jisung was gonna teach him but he'd help Jisung in anyway he could. "Mhm "

"Great! Now, pick a number from 1 to 6"

"Mmmm 5"

"Wonderful choice prince, now I want you to go out to Jeongin and use these" Jisung handed hyunjin his phone and airpods. He already turned off the password incase it turned off while hyunjin was using it. "Make sure to listen to the music a bit loud ok?"

"Ok Sungie, but why do I have to leave?"

"Because it's better if I teach him the lesson alone okay?"


"Good boy, now go to innie" Hyunjin went out to Jeongin while Jisung got to work.

"Hello!" Hyunjin said to Jeongin as he went up to him.

"Hello hyunjin hyung, did Jisung tell you to use those?"

"Mhm he said listen to loud music"

"Well you better hurry and do what he says jinnie hyung " hyunjin nodded doing exactly what he was told to. While he was happily smiling Jeongin was cringing while hearing the screams of Jisung's victim.

———————an hour after lunch time———————
Hyunjin was getting hungry but he knew Jisung wasn't done with whatever he was doing. He saw him go into a different room twice but that was it. His stomach grumbling more as time passed. He saw Jisung come out, hoping the younger would realize it's lunch time. Thankfully he walked over to the older who instantly stood up. But hyunjin gasped when he saw Jisung. He had blood all over him.

"Omg, Jisung are you okay?!" He rushed to inspect him for injuries, getting himself bloody in the process.

"Jinnie, Jinnie I'm okay, I'm not hurt"

"B-but your all bloody!"

"Prince it's not my blood" that left hyunjin shocked. It wasn't Jisung's blood? Then who's-

It hit him, the men weren't taught a lesson... they were killed.

"Y-you killed them?"

"Mhm, I can't have my prince being hurt. Don't forget this is the mafia hyunjin" Jisung was right, hyunjin had completely forgotten this was the mafia. One mistake and you could end up dead. It was unnerving how easily Jisung did it. He was calm about just killing 3 people.

"W-would you ever kill me?" Hyunjin was scared but he had to know.

"What? No no no, prince I would never hurt you, ever." Jisung cupped hyunjin's cheeks and kissed his nose. Hyunjin blushed, though it was less noticeable considering he now had blood on his cheeks from Jisung's hands.

"Let's get washed up okay jinnie?"

"Okay" Jisung held hyunjin's hand and they walked up to their now shared room. Of course they got many scared glances from the staff but they didn't really care.

Yoojin saw the two. She was shocked to see hyunjin so calm while having blood on him. "Han Jisung!"

Jisung stopped and turned. "Yes noona?"

"Why is hyunjin bloody? Please tell me you didn't do it infront of him."

"Of course not noona, we just got close after. We're going to shower right now.

Yoojin sighed in relief, hyunjin didn't witness the murders Jisung had just committed. "Ok ok, I'll bring some clothes up to your room in a sec."

"Okay! Thank you noona!" Jisung and hyunjin continuing on their way.

Once they got to their room hyunjin asked, "so do you want to shower first? Since you have more blood"

"Shower first? I thought we were showering together." Jisung spoke while taking off his shirt and throwing it into the trash.

"T-together?" Hyunjin was a blushing mess.

"Mhm, if your okay with it."

"Y-yeah s-sure" yes hyunjin had already been naked with Jisung but now that he'd gotten to know the younger it was more embarrassing.

"Don't just stand there prince, start undressing"

"R-right!" Hyunjin quickly started undressing. By time he was done Jisung was already in the shower. He quickly got in. The water was turning pink as the blood washed away. Hyunjin couldn't help but look at the younger. He looked so pretty. Without realizing his dick started to get hard. It wasn't until it started to hurt that he noticed. Quickly covering himself with his hands, he was so embarrassed. And Jisung was obviously.

The younger was facing the opposite direction more focused on scrubbing the blood off. Rinsing off the last of it Jisung turned around making hyunjin blush even harder. Squeezing his legs together.

Jisung was shocked to see hyunjin hard but damn did hyunjin look good to him right now. Shy and embarrassed. Hyunjin still had blood on him which turned Jisung on. His thoughts wandered to think of how hot hyunjin would look killing someone with him.

"Have you got a problem there jinnie?"

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now