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"Hyunjin I know why you want to stay but you have to come with me okay?"

"Noona I can't just leave him-"

"Hyunjin he sent me to get you." He still hesitated.

"Noona I want to see him" he was in tears for the hundredth time today. "Hyunjin-"

"Please Noona! I-I'll go after but I want to see him..." she sighed knowing she'd get in trouble for this.

"Fine. Cmon" she walked to the desk where one of the main cops were. "Excuse me sir"

"Yes ma'am? Is everything alright?" He looked at hyunjin who was clinging to he like a scared child. "Hyunjin would like to see Han. He wants to look the man that held a gun to his head in the eyes."

"Are you sure he'll be up for it-"

"Y-yes I am" Hyunjin stuttered but he knew what he wanted even if it didn't sound that way. The cop nodded and took them to a room where he told them to wait. Hyunjin was getting more and more anxious until the door opened and Jisung was roughly dragged in by the cops. He wanted to yell at them to be gentle but kept his cool for now.

There was a clear look of confusion on Jisung's face when he saw hyunjin and yoojin. The cops cuffed him to the table. "I think we should let them talk alone" yoojin brought up while trying to nudge out the cops.

"Ma'am I don't think-"

"I said they should talk alone." Her tone was far darker than hyunjin had ever heard. Before they could argue back the chief came in. "Wait outside I'll stay with them."

"Yes chief!" The other two went out closing the door behind them.

"Awe came to my rescue?" Jisung taunted.

"Sure Han. Yoojin why do you have to be involved with this?"

"Because I was supposed to be here to get hyunjin and leave" she pouted and leaned against the chiefs chest.

"Aish... you make me worry so much about you" he kissed the top of her head lightly.

"Not like I'd put her in real danger Jaein"

"Han, her knowing you is danger."

"Wait? You all know eachother?" Hyunjin was beyond confused but as he spoke he moved sit on Jisung's lap. The younger smirked and rested his chin on hyunjin's shoulder.

"Hyunjin meet my fiancé, Jaein"

"Nice to meet you hyunjin"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Prince you were supposed to be gone already" Hyunjin whined and turned around so he was now straddling Jisung and hugged him.

"I don't wanna leave you... you've saved me so many times... it's not fair that you end up like this and I just leave..."

"Prince look at me" Hyunjin moved his gaze to meet Jisung's eyes. "You don't owe me anything. As long as I know you love me like I love you then everything is perfect. Plus I won't be in here for long, you know I can always find my way out of sticky situations" He winked as hyunjin blushed.

"You promise it won't be long?"

"I promise prince. Now I need you to go with yoojin and let the other members watch over you for now"

"I-.... Okay..."

"Don't be sad prince, I'll be back with you in no time" Jisung leaned forward and kissed hyunjin. The passion could be felt by both of them. Once they pulled away they touched their foreheads together without opening their eyes.

"I love you Hyunjin"

"I love you too Jisung"

"Now go with Yoojin prince" Hyunjin reluctantly got off of Jisung and went over to Yoojin and they left leaving only Jaein and Jisung in the room.

Jaein pinched his nose bridge as he sighed. "You realized your gonna be the reason if I get fired right?"

"Yep, but you know I'll always cover things for you. And Yoojin will always be protected"

"Your lucky I didn't know you were a Mafia leader until 3 years after we met."

"You never would have been able to lock me up anyways. So how am I escaping this time?"

"You already have a plan don't you?"

"Of course, Im gonna-"

—————with SKZ—————

Hyunjin came home with Yoojin and saw everyone around the livingroom discussing something. The air was completely tense and they didn't even realize Yoojin and hyunjin were there.


"Yes Noona?" They were now all aware of their presence.

"Do a check up on hyunjin yeah?" Seungmin nodded and stood up. The two went off to Jisung's room.

"Seungmin can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Will Jisung really be okay?" Hyunjin sat on the bed while Seungmin prepped his exam tools.

"I'm sure he will be Hyunjin. He gets out of this stuff all the time"

"Were you guys talking about him out there?"

"Yeah kinda, how we're gonna have to worry about the cops now..."

"But I thought you said this happened a lot before?"

"Yes but now we have you, before we all just disappeared from society for a month and came back but you have a very famous life. You can't just disappear which means the police might keep an eye on you" hyunjin gulped as Seungmin began to examine him. He didn't want to be the reason Jisung or any of the others struggled.

"Don't worry about it, even before you met Jisung he had sworn to protect you and even asked me to hack your security system just to make sure you were safe a all times. You have no idea how happy you being here makes him" Hyunjin blushed at Seungmin's words.

"Well... that's a bit creepy if I think about it. But I'm glad I make him happy, because I know he makes me happy too. Who would've known my first relationship would be this chaotic"

"Things are crazy like that sometimes" A comfortable silence lingered as Seungmin finished the exam.

"Welp you look pretty healthy, just maybe a bit of shock still left in your system. Do you have a headache?"

"Yeah a like bit..."

"Okay take these and rest, Jisung will be back before you know it." Seungmin handed him 2 Advil and left the room. Hyunjin took them and laid down, snuggling against Jisungs pillow while smelling the youngers scent. 'He'll be back soon, just be patient'

Hyunjin quickly fell asleep after. How would Jisung be escaping? And would it go to plan?

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now