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"Is he asleep?" Felix was the first to speak when Seungmin got back.

"Should be"

"Poor kid..." Felix snuggled against Changbin's side. "I can't imagine that being Binnie and I"

"Not everyone is trained for this life lixie, just glad I found you"

"Okay okay quit being cheesy. Jeongin go get the kid the rest of us will wait in the car." Minho got up and left out to the car.

"Hyung's are you sure this is right?"

"Jisung made it clear what had to happen now. Before he was wanted for easy things like drug dealings and stuff like this but now it's for murder of all of EXO and attempted murder of a famous model. Hyunjin has to go back to his old life for a while" Seungmin felt bad as well but he also knew it was probably the best for the situation. The police already assumed Hyunjin was groomed by Jisung to be in love so they had to disappear for a while.

"Right... I'll go get him..." Jeongin went to Jisung's room and got Hyunjin while the rest got in the van. When Jeongin came back they sat hyunjin in the only free seat and buckled him in.

"Goddamn minnie how much did you give him, he's out out." Chan was starting at hyunjin's passed out form.

"Gave him enough to where he'll wake up in a day"

"Remind me never to get on your bad side..." Minho smirked kinda proud seeing Seungmin able to intimidate people.

"Why are you smirking hyung?"

"Nothing innie." Minho's smirk dropped and he blushed slightly. Last thing he wanted was to be outed.

"Oooooo hyung likes minnieeee"

"Shut up you brat!" Seungmin clearly heard this and Heavily blushed. He was driving though so he just ignored the comment for now but he could hear the younger teasing his hyung for the entire way.

They got to hyunjin's house at 2 AM. "Okay Chan let's take him in" Seungmin got out and waited by the door as he watched Chan carry the other. They unlocked the door and walked in. Chan went to hyunjin's bedroom to get him comfortable while Seungmin glanced around a bit. There weren't many pictures just one of a puppy and one of what Seungmin assumed to be hyunjin's parents. Taking a note out from Jisung he left it on the counter.

When Chan came back they let and went back home. The whole ride was silent, no one wanting to speak. Once they got home they simply moved to another car. This on had a driver and Jisung.

"Glad you're back Ji" The figure only nodded and pulled their hood to further cover his face. He turned away from all of them and looked out the window. All of them could notice the uneven breathing patterns but everyone knew better than to say anything. Here they go.

———— 1 day later ————

Hyunjin woke up feeling as if he had a massive hang over. When he opened his eyes he froze. This wasn't Jisung's room... this was his own room. Where's everyone? How is he even here?

No. There's no way it could've been a dream. His eyes already tearing up. "Jisung..." He opened his phone and looked for the number. And he found it. So it wasn't a dream, Jisung is still real. Immediately he called the number... but it was declined. 'You dummy of course he wouldn't answer he's in jail right now'

He found Yoojin's number and called. But again... declined. Did something go wrong? He got out of bed and grabbed a fluffy robe since it was cold. The went out to the livingroom and snuggled up on the couch. When he turned on the tv he lit up with joy. The headline: Han the SKZ mafia leader has escaped custody. It wouldn't be long before he saw Jisung again and he couldn't wait.

Hyunjin gasped. He needed to get dressed! He wanted to look nice when he saw Jisung again. So he rushed to his room to get ready. He showered and did his facial routine. Even adding a moisturizing face mask. He made sure every part of him was perfectly clean and spent at least an hour perfecting his hair.

After throwing his clothes all over the room, he finally found the perfect outfit. Some tight black jeans with a red button up. He debated if he should wear the black lace choker he had but ended up wearing it.

He was finally finished at about 3PM. Now the only thing to do was to wait. He sat on the couch carefully so he didn't wrinkle his shirt and waited.




Where was he? It'd been hours. All hyunjin wanted to know was that Jisung was okay...

Glancing around the livingroom he noticed a note on the edge of his TV stand with a rose. He walked over and saw what was written on the outside. 'Prince~' Hyunjin smiled. How did he not see it earlier? This meant Jisung was alright.

Opening it he read it. But before he even got half way through he began to cry. The makeup he'd used near his eyes starting to smear.

My prince~
I know you're probably waiting for me and are confused why I'm not with you or how you ended up home. I'm sorry love but I won't be coming to see you tonight, or anytime soon. The police are too persistent right now and I don't want you being wrapped into this.I don't know when or if I'll be back. But I love you hyunjin, please remember this. Live your life happy as before we met. You will always be protected and safe. I don't want to say goodbye, so see you later my prince.


Hyunjin couldn't believe it. They were gone, all of them without him. The cried harshly as he sat on the floor. The only person he fell in love with gone... and he had no idea where he went.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now