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————4 years later————
"Hyung!" The younger ran into hyunjin's arms. He chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"So excited when we just saw each other yesterday?"

"But yesterday was so long ago... and I love being with you"

"I love being with you too, let's go get lunch?"

"Yep!" The younger tippy toed and kissed hyunjin's lips. Hyunjin smiled. Sangwoo (made up character) walked holding his boyfriends hand. They had only recently gotten together. Hyunjin had waited and waited for Jisung... but he was 25 now... if Jisung never came back did he really want to be alone forever?

He had to move on, so when he met Sangwoo he decided to give it a shot. He definitely was happy with the younger but it wasn't the same as Jisung. He knew Jisung was his one love, but he had to settle. And Sangwoo was pretty amazing... but he reminded him of Jisung, even in the ways they were different.



"You're zoning out again"

"Oh... sorry woo"

"It's okay, I just wish you'd tell me what you thought about when you zoned out..."

"I told you woo, it's nothing you have to worry about. Just someone from my pass"

The younger nodded and they went into a noodle shop. It was the place they almost always went. Once they ordered and sat down they chatted like normal. That was until hyunjin spotted something... someone, ordering.

The person was wearing a hood with a cap under and mask. But hyunjin could tell who it was, and he didn't know how to react.

"Jisung..." Sangwoo looked back at the stranger who was now looking back at hyunjin. He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach...

"Hyunjin..." Jisung was in utter shock. He had just got back to Seoul that morning and there he was... his prince. Neither of them looked like they'd aged a day.

Hyunjin got up and slowly walked over to Jisung who didn't move an inch. Hyunjin gently pulled the mask off of Jisung's face and placed his hand on his cheek. Jisung instantly leaned into the olders touch. It'd been so long and he missed it so much. Tears started falling from both of their eyes as they got closer without realizing.

That was all Sangwoo needed to see. He knew he'd lost him by the way they looked at each other. Hyunjin was no doubt a good boyfriend but... a part of him always felt distant from Sangwoo. At least now he knew why.

"I missed you Jisung" Hyunjin wasn't mad at Jisung at all, he saw first hand how viciously the police were trying to find him back then. They end declared that they'd give him the death sentence. Obviously that was the last thing hyunjin wanted for Jisung.

"I missed you too my prince" Sadly Sangwoo wasn't a single thought on hyunjin's mind in that moment. Hyunjin hugged Jisung like he'd disappear once he let go.

"I'm here Jinnie... I'm sorry I had to leave" they both cried in each other's arms in the middle of the noodle shop. But no one interrupted them, everyone was in awe of the lovely sight.

Once Jisung's order was completed they walked out together hand in hand. It was only then that Hyunjin remembered about Sangwoo... how could he forget about him.


"I-I forgot about him"


"Sangwoo... h-he was with me right now and-" hyunjin paused. His heart was screaming for Jisung so how could he ruin it by saying he tried to move on.




"Don't worry-"

"Hyunjin." He looked away from Jisung.

"You were gone for so long... I didn't know if you'd ever come back..." It didn't take a genius to figure out what hyunjin was implying.

"He's your boyfriend..." Jisung started letting go of hyunjin's when hyunjin gripped onto it again.

"Jisung I love you! Please, I never stopped... I just didn't want to be alone..." Jisung sighed. He knew why hyunjin did it and he couldn't blame him. Hell he'd tried to get over the older as well. He never succeeded clearly.

"You know what you have to do then right?" Hyunjin nodded. He had to break up with Sangwoo immediately.

"I love you too Jinnie" bring hyunjin down to his level he kissed him. It felt just as perfect for the two of them as the first time. "Why don't you go do that and I'll see you later"

"But how will you-"

"Don't worry prince, I know how to find you" with that said Jisung turned and walked away. Hyunjin hated that they already had to separate. He felt the same way he did 4 years ago. Head over heels for Han Jisung the mafia leader.

Now he had to go... this was gonna be difficult...

-20 mins later-

Hyunjin rang the doorbell to Sangwoo's house. When the door opened he saw Sangwoo with tear stained cheeks and a red nose.


"You love him don't you..." Sangwoo couldn't make eye contact with Hyunjin right now.

"Yeah... I do..."

"Who is he Hyunjin? Why do you choose him?"

"He's... the love of my life. I thought I lost him for good 4 years ago. I waited for a long time for him but... I had nearly given up. So I wanted to move on, woo please believe me when I say I was happy with you but... it isn't him. For me no one can be like him..." Now hyunjin was almost in tears thinking about the time he had spent with Jisung.

"So then this is it for us? You're just running right back to him?"


"No, just leave. I loved you for the whole time we were together. But you were never truly loyal then..." The door was shut in hyunjin's face. His heart broke. He couldn't choose what he felt, and if he could've spared Sangwoo from any pain he would've.

Jisung was the love of his life and he couldn't change that. They were each other's ride or die, that wouldn't change.

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