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———————-with hyunjin and yoojin-———————
Yoojin walked in seeing hyunjin on the counter shaking. "Jinnie?"

Hyunjin looked up at her slightly. "Jinnie, I'm gonna help you get cleaned up okay?"

Hyunjin nodded. He watched yoojin start the water for a bath.

"Don't feel like you have to explain anything to me okay? I know how it feels. You're not alone okay?"

Hyunjin was kind of confused. Had she gone through this? She's so strong now...

"D-did this h-happen to you too?"

Yoojin nodded. "Yes jinnie, a few years ago... this is why we have to stay away from that area. The ones there crave power. They'll overpower anyone they see there that they can."

Hyunjin regretted not listening to Jisung, for many reasons. He got hurt, Jisung had to save him... what if the younger had lost all trust in him? What if he let EXO take him now...

"Jinnie the bath is ready" yoojin interrupted his thoughts. He nodded getting up, taking off his boxers and sitting in the bubble bath. Telling yoojin when it was okay to look again.

She sat next to the tub. "You won't have to worry about the men anymore. Jisung isn't going to let them live."

Hyunjin still wasn't accustomed to mafia life. "H-he's going to kill them?"

"Yes, he won't tolerate people like that in his mafia. He already promised to protect you. Jisung doesn't go back on his word."

Hyunjin nodded. Jisung really cared about him. "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been curious.." hyunjin put his head down.

"Jinnie it's okay to be curious but whatever rules Jisung gives you, they're to keep you safe. So from now on you need to listen to them okay?"

Hyunjin nodded. He didn't want to upset Jisung, and he didn't want to get hurt again. "Okay.. I'll listen."

"Noona I have a question."

"Ask away jinnie"

"H-how did you get past it?"

"Mm... it was difficult in the beginning. It scared me a lot.. but then I met my fiancé." She smiled to herself at the thought of her future husband. "He helped me through it. Helped me become strong."

Hyunjin smiled a little. "He sounds nice."

"He's very nice. You'd like him"

"I hope to meet him one day"

"I'm sure you will jinnie" with that being said yoojin started actually bathing jinnie.

Once he was clean yoojin left him to get dressed by himself. Hyunjin changed I to sweats and a large hoodie. Glancing in the mirror he saw a bruise forming on his cheek. Tears forming again. He wanted to curl up and hide. He saw a few marks on his neck that he instantly covered with the hood. He felt gross. Even though he'd just taken a bath he still felt dirty. After a few moments trying to gather himself he walked out. Yoojin was gone, but Jisung was sitting on the bed with someone he didn't recognize also there.

He made his way to Jisung, crawling into the youngers lap. "I-I'm sorry" he whispered to Jisung. Fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"You don't have to apologize jinnie" Jisung told him as he held the older close. "Just promise me you'll listen to when I tell you not to go somewhere now"

"I P-promise" he started crying against Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung spent some time calming him. Then gently he pulled hyunjin off a bit to look into his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner, I'm so so sorry hyunjin"

Hyunjin shook his head. "I-it's my fault n-not yours"

"Jinnie I said I'd protect you. Let me take the blame for this"

Hyunjin shook his head. Jisung was too kind to him. He couldn't let the younger blame himself. Once the older calmed down Jisung looked towards Seungmin then back to hyunjin.

"Jinnie this is Seungmin. He's a medic. Can he take a look to see if you have any injuries?"

The name Seungmin rang a bell for hyunjin. He remembered that this was yoojins younger brother and Jisung's best friend. He nodded. "Yes .. he can"

Jisung smiled a bit then situated hyunjin between his legs, hugging the olders waist. Hyunjin leaned back against Jisung's chest.

Seungmin came over and took a few ointments out of his bag. Gently applying some to hyunjin's bruised cheek.

"Hyunjin can i see under the hoodie?" Seungmin asked softly. Hyunjin looked at Jisung for assurance before answering. Jisung nodded.

"It's okay jinnie, you can trust minnie. He just wants to make sure you heal properly."

Hyunjin nodded, sitting up a bit, then taking off his hoodie. He instantly leaned back against Jisung. He didn't want him to see his body like this but he didn't want to upset Jisung by not listening.

The sight shocked Jisung, he really had gotten there late. He felt both awful and pissed. Hyunjin had marks on his neck from being grabbed, a few bruises on his abs, and a few hickeys on him. Those guys were gonna get it.

Seungmin started treating the areas to make them heal faster. Jisung played with hyunjin's hair, whispering sweet words to the older.

Hyunjin whining every once in a while when Seungmin put a little too much pressure.

"Can you turn over hyunjin? So I can see your back" Seungmin asked, keeping his voice soft.

Hyunjin nodded. Turning to straddle Jisung, hiding his face against the youngers neck. His back slightly bruised from being shoved against the wall. Once Seungmin finish he handed hyunjin back the hoodie.

"Where's kkami?" Hyunjin asked barely above a whisper.

"Kkami is with the vet right now. Don't worry though. He was still able to run so he'll be fine."

Hyunjin nodded snuggling against Jisung a bit more. Seungmin decided to take his leave.



"Would you be okay if I left you in here for a bit? You can lock the door if you want while I'm gone."

The last thing hyunjin wanted was to be without Jisung again in that moment. So he shook his head and held onto Jisung tighter.

Jisung thought for a second. "Do you want to come with me then? You might not like what you see though"

In the moment he really didn't care, he just didn't want to be alone. "I-I'll come."

"Okay prince, you've gotta get up"

Hyunjin blushed at the nickname. He slowly got up. Despite his height he looked so tiny in the oversized hoodie. Jisung got up. "Ok jinnie let's go" the two held hands as Jisung guided them to the basement.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now