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A week had past, hyunjin's bruises and marks almost completely faded. Barely noticeable unless you looked closely.

"You ready jinnie"

"Mhm!" Hyunjin was beyond excited. He was going back to modeling. Of course he'd have to deal with the many questions that awaited him but that was okay.

Jisung walked hyunjin out to the car. Today Felix was driving him. Jisung was too well know to show up at hyunjin's place of work.

Give hyunjin a gentle kiss they parted. At this point hyunjin and Jisung were in an unofficial relationship. Jisung waited until the car was out of sight to go back inside. He really hoped this worked out for hyunjin's sake.

Hyunjin was so excited. "Calm down hyunjin your making the whole car bounce from jumping in your seat" Felix chuckled a bit.

"Heh sorry, I'm just really excited to get started in modeling again."

"I can tell, just be careful I don't need Jisung beating me because you got yourself killed"

"I won't lix don't worry."

When they got there the front of the building hand tons of reporters, probably trying to find out some information on hyunjin. "Ready?"

Hyunjin nodded. "Ready lix" the two got out, Felix with a mask on. The reporters gasped. Guards rushed over surrounding the model to protect him. "See you at home hyunjin"

"Bye lix!" He waved as Felix drove home. Crowded by reporters the guards pushed their way back to the building allowing hyunjin inside.

"HYUNJIN!" He heard his manager call out.

"Soobin! Hi!"

"Where have you been?! We thought you were kidnapped!"

"No no no I'm sorry, some uh family issues came up. I'm stay somewhere else for now until it's dealt with."

"Aish hyunjin you've gotta tell someone your taking time off and not just ghost us all."

"I know I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

Soobin sighed. "Are you at least ready to get back to work?"

"Yep! I missed it so much!"

"Good to hear" the two were smiling now. "Cmon let's get you ready for the shoot we were supposed to do when you disappeared." Hyunjin followed after Soobin to do the shoot.

———————————- outside -———————————
Xiumin started talking through his coms. "Suho, hyunjin is back. He just went into his company building."

"Good. I'm glad you found him but I told you to focus on SKZ."

"That's the thing... he left from their mansion"

"He what?!"

"That's not the only thing"

"What else?"

"I saw him kissing Jisung before he left."

"So the psycho was protecting him.... good work. Keep an eye on him. Figure out the schedule and see when we can sneak in."

"Alright" Xiumin turned off his coms and waited for hyunjin to come out.

————————————-8 pm-———————————
Hyunjin walked out of the building, satisfied with how the shoot came out. He spotted a blank van. He did exactly as Jisung said. Walking up to the black van he knocked on the window. It slowly rolled down. "Hello! I was hired to dig in the ruins"

The man replied. "A gem in the rough needs work to polish" that was the phrased Jisung had hyunjin memorize as a way to verify he was getting into the right car. He happily got in and put on some got7.

The ride home was a bit long so hyunjin ended up falling asleep.

——with xiumin——
"He got into a black van after the man said "A gem in the rough needs work to polish"

"Code phrase... ok come back, we can plan what to do from here"

"Alright I'll be back soon"

They arrived home with hyunjin fast asleep in the passenger seat. Jisung was waiting outside so he opened the car to see hyunjin's cute sleepy face. 'Adorable' he thought while unbuckling the older. He didn't want to wake him so he lifted hyunjin bridal style and carried him to their room.

When he set hyunjin on the be he woke up though.

"Home already?" He mumbled is a sleepy tone.

"Yep, now that your awake did you want to eat something?"

"Can I eat whatever it is in bed?"

"If that's what my prince wants then yes"

Hyunjin giggled, he loved being called Jisung's prince. "Okay I'll eat then."

Jisung told the maids what to make before sitting against the headboard next to hyunjin. "Hyunjin I want to start training you"

"Training me?"

"Mhm, I want you to be able to defend yourself."

"Oh.. okay, you'll train me then?"

"Nope, I'd be way too soft on you."

"Then who would train me?"

"Minho hyung, he helped me train when I first got into the mafia. But he won't be easy on you, you may get your ass kicked a few times"

Hyunjin definitely wasn't fond of that idea. "D-do I have to?"

"Yes Hyunjin, I want you to know how to defend yourself. And once you're trained then you'll start sparring with me"

Hyunjin knew he woundn't have a choice. "Ok..." But even though he didn't want to upset Jisung by not doing it. Jisung had done a lot for him after all.

"Don't worry prince it'll be fine" Jisung gave a smile to hyunjin while holding his hand. The maid came back with their dinner. Hyunjin was more than excited to eat considering he had to skip lunch so he could try and catch up with his schedule.

"Slow down jinnie, you'll end up choking"

"Sorry" hyunjin muffled out.

"It's fine baby. Did you not eat lunch?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "Too busy"

"Jinnie what did I say about skipping meals?"

"Not to because it's not good for me"

"Exactly. So I'll send you with a lunch box tomorrow"

"Okay! Thank you Sungie!"

"No problem jinnie" the two finished eating and cuddled up next to each other. Tomorrow after work hyunjin would start training. He was definitely gonna be in for it. Jisung would also be observing for the first practice.

Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)Where stories live. Discover now