Chapter 10

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October 29

Dear Dairy,

It's still Ethan. I'm writing in here again. Oliver hasn't woken up yet. It makes me wanna cry, I love him so much and to see him asleep, and he looks so lifeless kills me inside. He may not wake up! NO HE WILL WAKE UP! Will he? Please tell me he will.... Now that Van goes to my school I see him all the time and every time I see him I wanna kill him. He has this little smirk on his face like he meant to do it and it makes me so so mad!! I don't understand why he would be happy, I though he liked him. Van kissed him and tried to have sex with him! He's being a whore and is trying to get in his pants i bet! I have so many questions that may not be answered. I don't know.

October 31

Dear Diary,

I went to see my little Ollie today. He still hasn't woken up, the doctors said he was doing fine but, is still in a coma. When he wakes up I will be there for him with a teddy bear and flowers and I will kiss him. I wanna see his smile. I miss it. I feel like this is a sad love story, almost like Romeo and Juliet (but we're both guys and we are gay) hehehe. I'm just sitting here waiting for him to wake up. But I feel so redundant saying how much I miss him and saying how I hope he wakes up. Like I've said again I don't know.... I have to go, visiting time is over.

November 13

Dear Diary,

((So now after about a month and a-half of Oliver being in a coma he has finally woken up. He doesn't remember anything that happened the day he went into a coma. Now when he wakes up and his prince is there holding a tedy bear and flowers. Oliver smiles at the sight and Ethan kisses him)) I finally woke up! But how did I fall asleep? Anyways when I woke up I saw my Prince Charming sitting there waiting for me to wake up. When I see him I smile so hard because I see him waiting for me. I truly love him. Van isn't even here.... What a douche! When I smiled Ethan kissed me and I blushed. When we stopped kissing I asked what happened and what time it was and Ethan told me everything! How I got into an accident, Van was driving his stupid motorcycle. Then I was in a coma for a month and a-half now. I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I love my teddy bear! He's so cuddly and soft. It's adorable.

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