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I know right? How many stories does this girl have? Okay, but to be fair, this has been sitting in my drafts for SO long and I just thought I'd publish it instead of having it sit there. It was making me ansty.

The description to the story is available! So make sure you read to get a feel for this.

So we all know me by now and say it with me, this is a dark Harry Fic.

Probably the darkest one I've come up with So that's cool. This one is exciting!

So just a warning now this will contain, in detail Violence and gore, vulgar language, sexual content which will include kinks, themes of mental health.

But the more the story progresses the more I'll update the warnings. Now this story will be started when Malign Disposition is completed 100 percent. So for now we just got MD and FLASH rolling. So please, stay tuned for this one whenever it comes and




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