Chapter 1 - Hunnies, I'm Home

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Song for the chapter - Stay In The Car by Bachelor

4 years ago/ Mariposa County Jail


"Seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two."

I muttered and grunted under my breath as I counted each pull-up I've done against this rusty old bar.

My orange jumpsuit was completely unzipped, the arms tied around my waist to keep them from falling. I am completely drenched in sweat from head to toe, little beads of moisture littering my forehead. My muscles ached badly, but I didn't mind, I liked the feeling. Anything to get my mind off of being in this sack of shit people call prison.

As I pulled up, my chin hovering over the bar I felt as if there were eyes on me.

I slowly turned my head to the left, seeing one of the inmates sitting on one of the benches. He looked young, also very frightened. His thumbs fiddled together but as soon as I made eye contact with him, he dropped his gaze. I'm guessing this is his first rodeo.

I leaped down from the pullup bar shaking my arms out, adjusting the sleeves of my jumpsuit tied around my waist.

"Watcha looking at pretty boy, you like what you see?" I tilted my head, a smile crawling across my face as I made my way towards him. "Rule number one around here, don't. Stare. At. The. Fuckin. Inmates."

I pointed my finger at him, exaggerating my words on every syllable. I was only trying to help the guy out, from the looks of it he's new and he's lucky he was staring at me, rather than any of the other guys around here. They would've had him by the throat.

I've been here for a good three weeks now and I've studied every single person in this place including the guards. A few of them actually being my good old acquaintances I would like to say. So I am semi protected, I'm lucky to have that power. This isn't my first time behind bars, I always find my way out of here some how and I'm getting out today actually. Just waiting for my moment if everything plays out correctly. I'm just hoping my mail comes in.

I'm here for reasons that I might just tell you later. We'll see how I'm feeling.

"I- I wasn't, I was just looking around I'm sorry, " he raised his hands in defence, shaking like a virgin on his damn wedding night.

I took a deep breath, wiping my forehead from sweat and it didn't help that it was hot as balls out here, the sun scorching down onto the outdoor dinky gym, the metal of the machinery reflecting the rays onto my skin that burnt like hell.

"Just keep that in mind, next time you might end up with a broken jaw or something, " I muttered as I turned on my heel, about to walk back towards the bar until I was rudely interrupted.


I rolled my eyes as I let out an annoyed huff, sulking my shoulders before I whipped my body around to face one of the guards, standing near the entrance.

Fuckin Dave.

"I'm kinda busy here Dave, I haven't reached my daily three hundred pull-ups!" I shouted back with my arms stretched out in front of me.

I watched as he dug in the back pocket of his pants, retrieving a thick envelop and waving it in the air.

"You got mail, come and take it and head to your cell now, or else it's going in the shredder!"

It's about time one of my two idiots sent me mail. I've been waiting on a letter from either Zayn or Niall the minute I got shoved into this place. But I was mainly waiting for a very specific one and I'm glad it came today.

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