Introduction / I'm Harry*

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This is the second part of the introduction :) make sure you read the first one

"Welcome to InterZone, I'm Harry."

I squinted my eyes up at him, mainly because I've never met someone so sociable. Me, I'm not much of a people person, I prefer not to prance around and talk to anything with legs. Mainly because I hate small talk, and also my social battery never seems to keep it's charge for very long.

"Peyton, " I half-smiled as I began to follow him along the side of the club, pressing up against the wall to avoid bumping into bodies as we went. Which was difficult, mainly because the dance floor had filled up immensely ever since I had stepped foot into this place.

Many people seemed to take a few double takes when Harry walked near them or passed by. None of them saying anything or even bothering to get his attention. He on the other hand was completely oblivious, either that or he was used to people practically foaming at the mouths for him. He seemed cocky enough for that to be the case.

He stopped suddenly as soon as we got to the front of the small stage where the dancers were interacting with the crowd, a few of them grinding on each other or the three poles that were spaces out across the black marble platform. Their bodies swaying fluidly to the electric guitar of the song currently playing.

I glanced over his shoulder as he leaned forward, pressing the palms of his hands against the stage to get one of the dancers in the front's attention. She crouched down, glancing at me before Harry whispered something into her ear, brushing her hair from off her shoulder.

She smirked at me before nodding her head at what he was saying as she listened in, and proceeded to nudge her head in the direction of the hallway to the right of us.

"Room three is empty, enjoy, " she cooed before standing back up straight and walking towards one of the silver poles, back to performing for the rowdy crowd surrounding us.

Room three? What the hell is that?

"It's loud out here, wanna talk to you somewhere quieter, " he said as he as he brought his hand out in a sweeping motion, signalling for me to follow him down the narrow hallway.

I pursed my lips to the side, my fingers fiddling together inside of the pockets of my jacket before giving in and following his lead. The hallway walls were completely covered in white graffiti, almost making the art glow and jump out at you due to the lighting.

God, why am I just trusting this man? Did all my morals fly out the window?

"Is this where you take me into a room and kill me or something?" I raised an eyebrow up at him watching as a slow smirk formed onto his face as his focus remained straight ahead, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"I'm not really in the mood for murder tonight, so I guess you're in luck sweetheart."

The tone of his voice was pure humour, but I was honestly expecting him to say something completely different rather than not being in the mood for murder.

So any other time would be great then? Noted.

He paused in front of a matte black door that had the number 3 graffitied onto it messily and I had now put two and two together that this hallway was just a long row of private rooms for the dancers to take someone lucky for the night, hence as to why Harry was talking to one of them.

He pushed the door open revealing a decent-sized room, a glass table sitting in the centre surrounded by two leather armchairs and two leather couches. There were crystal glasses sat neatly along the table, one that held cherries inside of it, a bottle of some sort of dark liquor rested against it as well.

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