Chapter 2 - You Can't Outsmart The Player

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This hasn't been read over yet so go ahead and flame me for the spelling errors.

Present-day / 2 weeks after InterZone

The side of my left hip pressed against the door to the small apartment of my AirBnB, grocery bags tucked under my right arm with a few in the left as I struggled to unlock the door. I wiggled it in to hear the click, best falling forward when the door opened from the side of my body pressing up against it.

Yes, I am still staying at this place. For now.

I have yet to find a job around here, I haven't found anything to be fitting. I have tried my very best to look around though, it just wasn't working out as I wanted it to, and sometimes that's okay. You can't force things into your life if the universe doesn't feel like giving it to you yet. Patience is key.

I sighed as I pulled the brown paper bags of groceries onto the small kitchen island, shaking my arms out and letting out a deep sigh.

How the hell am I exhausted from doing absolutely nothing all day?

Well, that's a lie I went for a long walk, went and did a little bit of sightseeing, ended up sitting on a bench near the beach with an ice cream cone from a street vendor as I people-watched and cringed at screaming children who ran around the boardwalk like lunatics, stopped quickly at a corner store for some groceries and now here I am.

You know, you'd think being in a big city like this all by yourself would make you feel extremely lonely, it didn't feel that way for me. I honestly felt at peace and very quite proud of myself for making such a big leap.

I took all of my groceries out of their bags and placed them in the stainless steel fridge before plopping myself down onto the plush leather couch in front of the TV.

I turned my head to the left to glance out of the large windows from the balcony, the neon signs and street lights giving the room a soft glow to it.

Once again the streets were bustling just like every other night, no matter if it were a Monday or a Saturday it was always flooded with bodies.

And every single time I caught myself looking out this window, my mind automatically goes to that one night I had decided to go out for a good time.

The InterZone is all I ever thought about twenty-four-seven, not just the place itself but more so of a specific person.

That person being Harry Styles.

It was absolutely insane how strong he resonated with me it's like he's imprinted in my brain. Maybe his tongue had special powers or something and now I'm just hooked.

I tilted my head back against the couch, running the palms down the front of my face as I let out a groan, kicking my feet up onto the black wooden coffee table in front of me.

He did drive me home as he had insisted that night. It was honestly so strange that he was so persistent about it. But I'm not used to men being that kind to me, who knows maybe Harry isn't actually that kind at all, and it's all a facade of some sort.

He asked me a lot of questions on the short drive to my place, he asked me where I was from, how old I was, what sort of music I was into, why I had chose Vegas out of all places. Which I answered all of them. It felt more like he was interrogating me rather than genuinely being curious as to what my boring old little life entailed.

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