Chapter 8 - Aces and Spades

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Hello!! I have tried to touch base on things that may have been forgotten since I last updated, but I do recommend maybe re reading the last chapter to get a refresher.


I don't remember the moment I had fallen asleep last night.

But I do remember laying on my back with a blank mind. You would think that my mind would've been whirling and spiralling with a million thoughts per second after everything that had happened.

But it was eerily silent.

Maybe it's because deep down I knew how naive I had been, a twenty five year old woman in a completely different state, with no direction or idea on what I wanted to do. Of course I fell into the hands of a bad crowd, that being Harry and his two side kicks.

Only I would've been someone to dig myself into such a deep hole. This was obviously not what I had planned for a fresh start, I was completely out of my head here and I needed to think fast before something terrible happens to me. I mean sure, this situation I'm in at the moment is horrible but atleast I'm not fucking dead, I just need to escape.

My eyes fluttered open, only to be met by complete darkness. I have been awake for a while now, I just didn't want the devil himself beside me to know.

I drew in a deep breath as I reached my arm out slowly and carefully towards the nightstand placed beside me for my phone, my fingers fumbled against the wooden furniture and as I did so, the sound of a loud clatter filled the deadly silent room.

My eyes squeezed shut and I physically cringed at the loud noise of my phone falling onto the hardwood floor.

I froze like a statue, my heart pounding in my ears as I felt the bed slightly dip from beside me.

Even if I were to turn my head to face him, I wouldn't be able to get a good look to see if he was awake or not due to the heaping barricade of pillows I had put between us.

The sound of an agitated groan muttered from Harry along with the sound of his feet hitting the floor.

Please go back to sleep, I beg.

He kept huffing and puffing and I could tell he was now sitting on the edge of his side of the bed, and I winced when I felt him fully stand up without saying a word.

Just as I thought I was off the hook, his annoyed grumbling voice spoke out into the darkness.

"It's dead," he mumbled as he began to walk away from the bed.

I sat up onto my elbows, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"Huh, what's dead?"

The minute those words came out of my mouth I was forced to shut my eyes once again when Harry unexpectedly flipped on the light switch. I hissed at the bright light that now blanketed the once pitch black room.

He shook his head as if he was frustrated and proceeded to nudge his head in the direction of my phone.

"Your phone dumb ass, it's dead I made sure to check after you fell asleep," he spoke as he ran his hand up through his hair, leaning his back against the wall near the door. "You're a sneaky one, dumb but sneaky and I don't need you making any phone calls."

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