Chapter 5 - True Colors

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"Anything clickin yet Wyoming?"

All of the moisture in my mouth felt like it had been sucked dry, my lips parted in an attempt to draw in some air from the sudden shock I was feeling.

It was in this moment, when I glanced down at his blood-stained shoes and then back up to his face I had repressed major situations that had unfolded last night. Not even repressed, he drugged my drink, I can only remember bits and pieces if I really focused.

It was all starting to come back to me in a hazy daze, I watched him walk through the doors of the bar with such confidence yet alertness on his face, the moment he got closer to our table was the moment I had finally noticed the blood painted and splattered against the white tips of his shoes.

I remember being so entranced that I didn't realize he had walked right up in front of me, he asked if I was doing alright and I lied saying everything was fine, when on the inside I was completely losing my shit.

And he must have picked up on it.

I had noticed his arm come around my shoulders, resting against the back of the leather couch cushion, my drink was entirely susceptible to whatever he had put inside that bourbon.

And that was the last thing I could clearly remember, which doesn't explain as to why and how my knees ended up being scraped up.

"You-you're fucking sick-

He cut me off once again by shrugging his shoulders with a nonchalant look on his face, shoving his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.

"Which one is it, am I fucking insane? Or fucking sick? I did you a favour Peyton, stop painting me out to be the bad guy here alright?"

A favour? A fucking favour?

I let out a scoff of disbelief, shaking my head from side to side as if I couldn't even fathom what I was hearing. He had no remorse, it's like he has done this a million times before and that's what is bone-chillingly terrifying.

Without a second thought, I pushed past him roughly knocking him out of the way as I did. My legs felt weak and wobbly as I began to speed towards the door. My hands shook violently as I grasped onto the doorknob, but he wasn't following me, hell, he didn't even budge from his stance.

"Oh come on Peyton, we were just talking!"

He sang out in a sinister manner before I swung the door open and began to make a run for it towards the exit.

I have said it before, I am not a people person. I am never one to free fall into the hands of someone I had just met, I don't do friendships, I don't do relationships, so why was I so quick to completely let Harry cut me down the middle and dissect every little thing about me?

Not once did I think it was going to get me into trouble, or get myself trapped in the life he lives. Not once did I think the man smiling in my face and introducing me to his friends would be the same man who had blood on his hands and shoes. Literally.

I can't stay at my place any longer, he knows where I have been staying and he will keep coming back.

I rushed past Rose who had been standing outside in the hallway, her lips parted to say something but didn't have the time before I was pushing opened the back door with a loud click.

My thoughts were racing through my mind in a panic as I threaded both my hands up through my hair, the fresh air relieving the suffocation I was feeling inside of that room.

"Fuck, " I cursed sharply under my breath and I began to walk down through the back parking lot, turning my head over my shoulder towards the door. My eyes remained locked on the silver handle all while briskly walking aimlessly.

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