The Introduction / The Odd One Out

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What does one do when everything around them dies? Relationships, friendships, family bonds, your motivation to uphold a job? What happens when everything just suddenly goes completely down the shitter and you're left to wallow inside of your bedroom, which has turned into a dump because of your self-loathing?

I'm not sure how other people handle sudden mid life crisis's, but in my case, I moved to a whole other state because of it.

Call me absolutely mental, or who knows maybe you think I'm smart for choosing to leave all of that negativity behind and start off fresh, a shiny clean slate. I up and left from Wyoming to Vegas, only a few days ago now. I had my whole life packed up with me, all of my savings, my entire closet and a few household commodities. That's about it.

I remember as soon as my feet stepped from off the metal steps of the airplane and the warm air hit my face, it felt like a weight being lifted from off of my shoulders. Do not get me wrong, I love Wyoming. I loved the feel of it and how comforting it once was. It just wasn't me anymore. I was slowly drifting away from my close friends, lost my job at a local coffee shop because it was no longer getting business and cut ties with my family because they are all stuck up pricks who care more about money than their own daughter.

Well, good fucking riddance to them all!

So here I was in Las Vegas, with nobody but myself by my side in the middle of September. I got situated into a small little AirBnB condo right off of the main strip, where all the entertainment comes to life.

At night, I could see the glowing neon signs or reds, blues and greens drifting in through the windows to illuminate my space. This is the real city that never sleeps, it's constantly bustling with crowds of different people, the streets remained jam-packed with sightseers and families who think Vegas is the right place to being their children. News flash, it's not. Whatever happened to taking your kids to Disney land?

From just being here and studying my surroundings and what I have gotten myself into, there are two very different parts of Las Vegas. Let me explain.

There is the side where people tend to lounge around by the pool with strawberry daiquiris in their hands, building sandcastles on the beach along with screaming children, ice cream dripping down their chin messily. There are the family shows where there are magicians, circus attractions, your typical Cirque de Soleil glamours. It was tame, until the sun goes down and the other more alluring expositions come out to play.

It's when the casinos come to life, the gamblers come out to play. It's when the family shows morphe into peep shows, underground sketchy clubs start to wake up. Strawberry daiquiris and fine dining turn into sex, drugs and money. And the large red neon signs displayed with large XXX's flick-on for the remainder of the time until the sun comes up.

No, I've never been out of this little space later than eleven o'clock at night because I watch too many crime shows to know that a girl who is new to a city, wandering about by herself in a place like this is just a huge red flag on its own.

But at the same time, I knew that I needed to put myself out there to meet new people. Sometimes you gotta throw yourself to the wolves to knock down a wall. That wall being big opportunities and and maybe just maybe a few close friends.

So this is exactly why I currently have my hands shoved into the pockets of my black oversized jean jacket, keeping my head down as my feet tapped along the sidewalk. Before I left the house if I can remember correctly, it was just about to hit twelve. And like always, the streets were fussing along with many drunken bodies, a few that had crashed into me without looking where they were going.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was headed tonight, all I know is that I needed a drink and maybe some weed if I can get my hands on some, fingers crossed.

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