Chapter 6 - King Con

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Hello! It's been a while, if you keep up to date with my Twitter you know I've been having some problems with Wattpad when it came to this story. It wasn't letting me upload chapters for a while and it really bummed me out but I'm back and it's all been sorted out!

I recommend maybe reading it over just for a little refresher before reading this new chapter !

It might be confusing if there are certain details you don't remember :)


I'm not one to be scared of many things.

Horror movies are simply the only genre of film I can watch from vintage classics to new and improved ones. I would like to say I'm a connoisseur when it comes down to it.

If someone were to ask me what my biggest fear is, something that makes me physically ill to even talk about, I truly could not tell them. I love a challenge, I love to push myself and like Harry has said. I love a good thrill.

But being anywhere near him after everything that has just happened in the span of a few hours, does make me fearful.

Considering that he has taken all of my belongings, my phone my purse, oh and not to mention tossed my bank card as well as my ID out of his sunroof like they were just leftover trash laying around.

I was new to this city, my bank card and ID were my lifeline.

I wasn't scared of him directly, I was more so scared of what happens now? I have nothing, I have no one to run to, so basically I am trapped here with a man I know absolutely nothing about. He can be a fucking murderer for all I know.

A fun night out one Saturday turned into a messy disaster.

Harry had quickly parked on his long driveway that led up to his home. It was extremely secluded, hidden away from any neighbours in the residence. It is a gated community with large homes ranging from very old Victorian-style to new and improved establishments.

It was also up on the hill, overlooking the entire city of Las Vegas beneath us, every moving person and car resembled ants from where we were.

None of these details matter at all though considering my circumstances. I was currently sat in an empty room inside of his home, down one of the many long dark hallways.

He stalked behind me with one hand firmly placed on my shoulder, guiding me forward, but also putting a bit of pressure against my skin as he did so.

Leading me to a door at the very end of the hallway, he was quick to reach in front of me, turning the golden handle revealing a small room.

The room had next to no furniture besides a single black metal table sat in the centre, along with two very uncomfortable steel chairs positioned across from each other. It was like a fancy interrogation room.

It could pass as that, or maybe even an office considering the many shelves of books that hardly had a spec of dust on them, meaning that he picks them up often.

The walls were a deep midnight blue, a vintage-looking crystal chandelier hung right over our heads casting a very ominous warm glow over his face.

I crossed my legs as I placed my hands on my lap, feeling extremely overwhelmed and uncomfortable due to Harry's disturbing glare drilling holes into from across the way. His forearms were placed against the table with his fingers intertwined with one and other.

"Are you going to tell me what you want from me already? Because I can do this staring contest all day." I raised an eyebrow at him, my tone coming out sharper than I intended which was only making this worse for me.

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