Chapter 9 - Jackpot

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My ears rang painfully as the gun shots erupted. It felt as if my heart had completely stilled in my chest and the air around ran cold.

Nothing felt more eerie than the silence directly afterwards, it was as if I completely imagined it all, that those gunshots I had just heard were all just a figment of my imagination. But I knew that wasn't the case due to the shock that flowed through my body.

I am not cut out for this, I don't think anyone like me is ever cut out for this but I can't just stand in this dressing room while someone is possibly bleeding out in the middle of the damn club.

I let out a shaky exhale through my nose as I collected myself, carefully tip toeing towards the door and slowly pushing it open with my hip. I peered my head out through the slight crack in the door, my eyes wandering down the long hallway towards the centre of the club.

And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really fucking wish Harry would just walk right through the front doors right now, because seeing as what he's capable of from the short amount of time I've been with him, I knew I'd feel safe.

"Willow." I whisper yelled as I began to creep down the hallway, wincing at the slight noise the floorboards made each time I took a careful step.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a slight second as I turned the corner of the hallway, letting out a yelp as my body crashed into someone unexpectedly.

"Peyton? I told you to stay put," Willow said from across the room as she ran her fingers through her hair. She looked as if she had just ran a marathon, her chest rising and falling as she held a revolving pistol in her other hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I drew my attention back to the person I had crashed into. It was another woman, one that I recognized from the tattoo parlour. Rose.

"What the hell is going on, who was at the door?" I began to panic as my eyes flicked from the gun, to Willow and back to Rose. I knew I heard a man yelling, I knew I heard gunshots.

"Woah, you need to sit down hun," Rose said as she placed her hand on my shoulder, guiding me carefully to the leather couch to the right of us. "And what on earth are you wearing?" She raised her eyebrows up and my questionable outfit.

"They're Harry's, but that's not important right now what is going on?"

The two of them were silent, both of them just staring at me as if they didn't know where to begin. Or maybe they just didn't want to scare me but I think we are past that now.

I let out an unamused chuckle, one that I couldn't seem to stop as I let my face rest in the palm of my hands. I felt as if I was starting to go absolutely insane here, and maybe I am. Who could really fucking blame at this point? I have absolutely nothing to my name anymore, I have no say, I can't escape the devil with eyeliner. I'm trapped in this hell hole of a nightmare that I can't ever wake up from.

"Really?" I finally shot my gaze up to them both, dropping my hands into fists near my thighs. "Listen, I've had a very eventful seventy four fucking hours and the least anyone can do for me is tell me at least one little thing that's going on here, or I swear to god-

"Swear to god what?" Rose butted in as she crossed her arms over her chest, her head slightly tilting to the side. "You're gonna tell on us? Hurt us?"

"Rose, enough." Willow spoke up as she shoved the gun into the waistband of her pants. She gathered her curly up into a messy ponytail as she began to stroll towards me.

"No, I mean seriously this is who Harry roped into our lives?" Rose turned her nose up at me with a disgusted look on her face. "Does he really think she is going to be a good asset, she's practically shaking over a little gunshot-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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