Bucky Barnes | Close to you

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Summary: Bucky takes you to the compound's rooftop, where he first asked you out. With the moonlight glistening through the night and a relaxing meal with the man you love, what could make this day any better?

Warnings: None that I can think of, except maybe tooth-rotting fluff. No sadness here!

A/N: This is my entry to @/star-spangled-man-with-a-plan's hamilfilm writing challenge! I'll be using the prompt, "Can I show you what I'm proudest of?" and it will be in bold italics. This is my first time joining these kinds of challenges so please bear with me. Enjoy the oneshot! Or not. -Leigh💫

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).

(If you see this on tumblr, just know that I wrote this fic for a writing challenge and originally posted this on my tumblr 7 months ago, and I am now reposting it into my wattpad book.)


"Good morning, beautiful." You walk down the hallway to see Bucky at the stove, making his famous blueberry pancakes. His ma taught him the recipe, and thank goodness he still remembers how to make them.

"Morning," You mumble half-asleep, the kisses Bucky peppers across your face waking you up a little.

"Why are you up this early?" You squint, suspicious of his new behaviour. Waking up early isn't really one of his habits. He'd always sleep in (it's his way of catching up on the sleep he lost from the nightmares he had in the past), since you did too.

His nights are always nightmare-free, because you were always beside him. And if you weren't, he'd always make sure to call you, just to hear your voice. You didn't mind. You loved him deeply, so why would you?

"Normally, you sleep in when you don't have missions. What's up?"

"Oh it's nothing," Bucky gulps, putting a berry pancake in front of you. You cut out a piece of it and stuff it in your mouth, quickly forgetting about your suspicion of him.

"Eat fast, we're going out today." Bucky finally sits down and eats his pancake with you. "What's the occasion?" You ask, your mouth stuffed with pieces of pancake. You weren't really surprised, Bucky loved to bring you out to places for surprise dates.

"First of all, don't talk when your mouth is full," He sternly pointed a spoon at you as you grumbled a quiet 'okay'. "Second, there's no occasion! Why can't a guy just take his best girl out on a date?"

"Okay, okay." You smiled as you stood and went to the bedroom to change.

Today is the day you'd forever be his best girl. Bucky didn't just think, he knew.


The car drive was nothing different, you turned the music up when your favorite song came up, both of you singing the song (of course, Bucky still focuses on the road, though that's always hard to do when there was a beautiful woman beside him).

You were, like always, almost screeching at the top of your lungs. Bucky loved you, even though your singing voice was, let's just say, unpleasant.

With all the singing and jamming to tunes, you didn't notice the route you were driving on. You look out of the window to see the prominent Avengers compound coming into view. You both didn't live here anymore, why would he bring you here? He'd tell you before if it were to visit the team, except he hasn't said anything about visiting them.

"The surprise is here?" You scrunch your nose in confusion as Bucky helps you step out of the car. "What do you mean 'a surprise'?" He tilts his head in faux confusion, you were having none of it. "I know you, James Barnes. Don't tilt me!" You put your hands at your hips, trying to scare him. Sure, you are an avenger, but Bucky was taller and beefier than you. All he does is laugh.

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