Chris Beck | Fall | PI

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| Chris Beck x Astronaut!Female Reader |

Summary: You are part of the Ares III mission and (while on your way back home, already rescued Watney) while there, are sent to fix the gravity controls. A very handsome suprise causes you to stumble and fall.

Warnings: Injuries (minor) and falling (I guess?), lots of fluffity fluff.

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).


Y/L/N, could you please fix up the gravity system?" You hear Commander Lewis's voice through the intercom and you make your way to the control room. You knew the system the most so Melissa sent you to fix it.

When you made it to the control room, you opened the toolbox and got the wrench out. It soon floated away and you had to chase it to get it back, "Come back here,"


"Just one more bol- UGH." The bolt started floating across the room and you flapped to get it back. "Nice flapping," Johanssen laughed, and you sent a death glare to her through the camera. "Looks like Y/N's really having a hard time." Watney said behind her. Beth turned and lowered her head to hide her blush. "How l-long have you been there?"

"A minute." The computer expert sighed in relief,

"Oh you should hear her mumbling when she works! Like-" Martinez stopped when the computer expert shot him a death glare.

A known fact between you and Rick was that Beth always mumbles little things to herself while doing work, mostly being about her little crush (correction, huge crush) on the space pirate.

"Well, I'm almost finished so-Woah!" You gripped the a bar in the system when you realized that-

"Someone didn't turn off the gravity before telling me to fix it-" The commander did a face palm when she realized her mistake. "Sorry, I forgot." She chuckled.

"H-hey, Y/N-"

"AH-" You were suprised by the person who just went in, and in the moment, lost your grip on the bar. You fell to the ground and felt excruciating pain through your arm and a banging ache through your forehead. "Ow-

"Y/N! A-are you okay?" The person, being the Chris Beck, kneeled down to you and checked you out (A/N: hehe). "Ouch- my arm" You complained as your vision went black.

You fainted, and Beck frantically started checking your vitals to make sure you were still breathing. A wave of relief crashed into him as he felt your heartbeat. He didn't know what he'd do if you were gone.

"Is she okay, Beck?" He didn't even process who was talking, focused only on you. "She's breathing, she looks fine." Chris said, he didn't know if he was reassuring the team or himself. "What happened? She was okay a few moments ago." Rick asked.

"She got suprised when I went in and accidently lost grip. It's my fault." Chris gently put his arms on your back and the back of your knees to carry your fainted frame.

"What's your calorie intake? You weigh like nothing..." The inner doctor in him mumbles to himself.

"Beck, please take care of her until she recovers. Your duties will be handled by us." Lewis directed. "Now, you have a reason to talk to her and get close." Vogel smirked through the intercom.

He could say he had a crush on you, well, maybe not just a crush. Scratch that, he loves you. He's loved you ever since the first day of training.

"You might find out that she absolutely loves you-"

"I don't believe you." Beck whisper shouts.

He wanted to believe it, but who was he kidding? There was no way you'd like him back.

"Believe it when she tells you." A certain botanist says. "I'm not expecting it." He mumbles.

The doctor carries you swiftly to the nursing quarters, as your hair falls on his arm and your scent fills his body. Your body tucked into his, he mumbled.

"I hope what they're saying is true." He chuckled. "Because if not, I don't know what I'm going to do, love."

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