Bucky Barnes | A thousand years

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| Bucky Barnes x Gender-Neutral!Reader |

Request/Prompt: (thanks for the request btw <33) "It's like I've been waiting for her for a thousand years" with buckyyy

Description: A thousand years of waiting for a lifetime of love.

A/N: Hi!! I kind of changed the request a bit, instead of "her" i made the story gender-neutral, and i also changed the quote a little,,, also, keep in mind that the italics are flashbacks,, that's all,, i hope you all enjoy this!

Note: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).


Ever since therapy started, Bucky has made it his new mission to make amends with those he's hurt as the winter soldier. Door to door, he recites his lines and hopes for the best. Some do understand and forgive, some don't, but that's expected, right?

Sighing, he checks off the last name on the list. The list is complete. Well, not really.

There's still someone. Someone he loves, and someone he's hurt, not as the winter soldier, but as himself.

(Flashback starts)

An arm grabs his, trying to pull him closer. "Bucky, do you really have to leave?" He looks over to them, tears rolling down their face. "I'm sorry, I really have to. Not for myself, but for you."

"Bucky, if this is to keep me safe, you don't have to do this," They exclaim. "I'm always safe when I'm with you,"

"Just please, I don't want to put you in danger." He looks away, he can't bear the fact that his love is crying because of him. "Please, I need to leave."

"Okay," They hiccup. "I'll let you leave on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Promise me you'll come back alive,"

"I promise," But in reality, he's not so sure if he will come back alive.

They pull their bracelet off of their hand and fit it onto his. "Take this,"

"I'll take care of it." He says, pushing the door open. He takes one more look at them and then he walks 'till he's out of sight.

(Flashback ends)

He has to find them again. He needs to keep his promise. The only problem is they are all the way in Bucharest, Romania.

He doesn't even know where they are, but he knows where to start.

After arriving at Bucharest, he returns to the place where they lived. He knocked every door, until he found them. They didn't recognize him at first, he expected that, but after noticing his metal arm, all of it came back to them.

"Bucky?" They said tearing up. "You really came back!" The tears spilled out, as they wrapped their arms around him.

"I made a promise to the love of my life, I wasn't about to break that promise." He smiled, hugging them back.

"It's like I've been waiting for you for a thousand years," They said while touching his face, still crying.

"Well, I'll be with you forever from now on to make up for it."

"I'd love that," They said, pulling him in and connecting their lips with his.

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