Chris Beck | Luckiest Man in the universe

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Requested by tinymalscoffee on Tumblr

| Chris Beck x Afab!Reader |

| Mom!Reader x Dad!Chris |

Warnings: Fluff (?), pregnancy, and implied-nsfw

Summary: The day before Chris had to go for a mission (to the space station for maintenance), a baby was conceived. The day you told him was the day he knew, he was the luckiest man in the universe.

A/N: This is set a week after Chris came back from the mission and in the pandemic. Mid-February, and in lockdown. Just a reminder, this is my first time writing on tumblr (well I write a little on wattpad but that's irrelevant) so I may be a little, uh, bad at writing. Also, I don't know much about pregnancy symptoms or space stuff. So if I get something wrong, please tell me so I can edit it. Regardless, please enjoy! or not.

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).


Soft snores filled your shared-bedroom (with Chris) and echoed at the walls. You open your eyes as your body clock wakes you and see your adorkable hunk of a husband sleeping soundly, arms wrapped lazily around you. As you wiggle out of his grip, careful not to wake the doctor, you slip into your pink bunny slippers and head downstairs to set up the suprise. You'd known you were gonna have a baby a few days after Chris left for the mission.

The first thing you did that morning was run to the bathroom, almost tripping over your own feet in the rush, and vomit. The nauseous feeling overtook everything else in your mind. That's when the night before Chris left came into mind. Was it possibly that? Was it really possible? You were on birth control, so it couldn't be. Or could it?

You took a test to find out and, you were right, it was what it was. You were pregnant, with Chris' baby. But how? Your doctor (which is not Chris) told you that antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control and that was probably how it happened. The doctor also said it was a boy. You'd always imagined having a mini Chris running around.

You were estatic, you had planned on telling Chris right on that day, but that won't be fun, right? So you changed the plan and sought to hiding it from him and telling him when he gets back. You managed to hide your belly from everyone you knew, including Chris, by wearing loose clothes.

And now he's back, the day he landed back on earth, the world was plagued by Covid-19 and the whole of America was in the early phases of lockdown. You couldn't meet him at the landing so you stayed home. When he got back, you suprised him with a big dinner.

You were, suprisingly (to him) eating more than he was. But he didn't linger on that, and just enjoyed finally eating quality food that wasn't frozen.

Now, you put a child's mask on the rack near the door and made breakfast, just then, Chris went downstairs. Kissing your cheek, half-asleep.

"Morning, beautiful." He murmured, peppering kisses onto your face. "Good morning, space-boy." You chuckled as he let go of your waist and took the pan. He gestured for you to sit down. As he finished up the eggs you started, you turned the radio on your phone on and hummed to the song that was on. Chris noticed and smiled. He loved you. All of you. Seeing you this happy, just humming to the music. He loved this image of you. He wished it would last forever.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." You grinned at him, and brought him out of his train of thought. He laughed and turned back to the eggs he was cooking.

Once both of you were eating, Chris was oddly quiet, not focused on eating the food he had cooked.

"You're oddly quiet, love. What's wrong?" You look up to him from your food and see his eyes locked on you, his elbow resting on the table and his hand supporting his head. "Nothing, just admiring my beautiful wife."

"If you wanna flatter me, then eat the food." You pointed to it with your fork, chuckling. "Yes, maam." He saluted and almost dropped his spoon. "Clumsy-boy" You loved him, you really did.

Once you both finished eating, you grew nervous. What if he didn't want the baby yet? These thoughts had never crossed your mind before this moment, but the mask was already there.

Trust him, he loves you, he'll love the baby too. You told yourself.

"Hey, love, could you go get some vitamins for me at the pharmacy?" You gulped andd pulled at the hem of your shirt (well his shirt but same difference). He gave you his heart-melting smile and nodded. "Sure, lovely."

He pulled on his brown coat and went to get a mask when he saw a smaller mask, one much smaller than yours. This looks like a mask made for.

A baby?

Wait, could it be?

"Love, is this y-yours? O-or-" He got the string and took it off the rack, stuttering.

"Yes, love, we're having a-"

"A BABY! LOVE, THANK YOU!" He kissed your lips and wrapped his arms around you, before he kneeled down and pulled up your shirt. "How long have you known?"

"5 months, it happened the night before you left. The doctor said it was my antibiotics." You sighed happily.

"What gender is it?" He rubbed circled around your bump with his hands and grinned sweetly against your skin as he peppered soft kisses on your stomach. "A boy." His smile grew brighter and you chuckled.

"Daddy loves you so much. Daddy loves both of you so much."

"We love you too, daddy." You giggled at him feeling your belly.

"Wait! He just kicked!" Both of you felt your tummy. Chris was so happy. He had a beautiful, amazing wife, that he loved so much. He knew you loved him too. He had a baby, and was gonna have an amazing family with the woman he loved. Happy tears rolled down his cheeks.

He truly was the luckiest man in the universe. No doubt in that.

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