Chris Beck | Starlight

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| Chris Beck x Gender-Neutral!Reader |

Request/prompt: (thank you to the anon who sent in this prompt <33) chris naming a star he discovered after the reader (like y/n's star or something)

Description: After a long day, you and Chris go out to a restaurant for dinner, unbeknownst to you, Chris has a surprise prepared.

A/N: hi im back hihi,,, it's been so long,, this request has been rotting away and i wanted to write it since the prompt was really nice (and i felt bad about leaving it unwritten) this is really short, but nonetheless i hope you all enjoy it!

Note: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).


The wind rustled the autumn leaves resting underneath your table, and the lanterns decorating the patio of the restaurant lit up the sky. After a tiring day, having a quiet dinner with your boyfriend, Chris, was just what you needed.

"So you know how when we got here, I said I had something to show you?" Chris asked, shifting in his chair. "Uh, yeah, that was half an hour ago, Chris," You paused, thinking he was about to show it to you. "Well? Where is it then?" You laughed.

"You gotta be patient, starlight," He playfully huffed. "Let me start from the beginning first,"

"So, at work, I discovered a star-"

"Wait really? Oh my goodness, congrats! I'm so proud of you, this must be a really big achievement for your career, huh?" You cheered, reaching for his hands and squeezing them.

"Thanks, starlight," He smiled, grateful for your support and praise. "Anyways, since I discovered it, I had to name it."

"I tried finding some good names, but I really couldn't find anything that I liked. I almost gave up until my boss suggested naming it from something important to me. That's when the perfect name popped into my mind."

"So, what's the mystery name?" You raised your head, staring at the paper he was now holding. "I named it after you, Y/N,"
"After me?" You asked, shocked by what he just said. "Oh, Chris! That's so sweet, and cheesy!" You laughed, reaching out to Chris in an attempt to hug him. "Well, you know me, cheesy is my specialty."

"But really, why my name?"

"It's obvious, you're the star that lights up my life. When I'm far away, I'll be able to see you in the skies, and through that, I know we'll always be together."

"Aww, I love you," You say as you wrap your arms around him, both of you now standing up. "I love you too, starlight."

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