Bucky Barnes | Don't be clueless, Bucky | PII

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| Bucky Barnes x Scientist!Female Reader |

Warnings: Nothing, I guess. (Except Christmas, so if you don't celebrate Christmas then idk if this is for you.)

Word count: (decided to add a count lol) 3443 words

Summary: Bucky's new metal arm from Wakanda has been acting up lately, so Tony brings you (the arm's designer) to live in the tower to help with Barnes' arm whenever it's goes crazy.

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr leipotterhandswp.


The one season Bucky could live without, it's back to haunt him. Haunt him along with memories from being the winter soldier.

Bucky didn't just hate winter, he loathed it.

He loathed how it was so cold, because it reminded him of how cold-hearted the winter soldier was.

He loathed how it brought back thoughts of guilt for every single person the winter soldier killed.

He loathed it so much. To him, that season was the bane of existence. Well, only second to Hydra.

Steve, Sam, and the rest of the team had given him lots of support, Steve especially hand-picked a therapist for him. Their efforts have helped him heal, but the memories will never really fade away. He hopes they would, but he knows that'll never happen. The peace of mind.

Well, he thought those thoughts would be permanent, until you came along.

Since the first time he's met you, all he's felt around you was serenity, seeing you laugh and smile, you were all he thought of. You kept him up at night, you replace his guilt with happiness. You fill his soul with light and you made him forget everything else. You were beautiful in his eyes, the first few weeks he thought he just thought he had a tiny crush.

But one moment made him realize how amazing you were, and after that you've successfully snatched his heart away.  


You were dozing off in your desk at the lab. After a "friendly" debate with Shuri, Tony, and Bruce on whether a mobius strip flipped was still a mobius strip, your body had decided that it was to exhausted to even walk to your bedroom (but had enough energy to get an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts), so you were forced to crash your lazy arse on the desk.You felt rapid nudging on your shoulder, that you desperately tried to ignore.Keyword: you tried. You tried very hard, but had to wake up. You were expecting to see Shuri in your view as you opened with a rude "What is it, Shuri?!" and then you realized that Tony was in front of you with Steve, and Bucky, clutching his left arm. He turned into a blushing mess when he saw you in the shorts and an oversized shirt that exposed your shoulder and bra strap. His flustered state, you found quite adorable.You'd admit sometimes that you've had a school-girl crush on him since the day you met him. The man's heartbreakingly attractive, and caring. And sweet. And kind. Okay, maybe it wasn't just a school-girl crush, maybe you had a real crush on him. But he's way out of your league. (A/N: This is me basically)"Oh hey, guys." You awkwardly stood up and pulled the hem of your shirt,You started blinking rapidly, as if to check if they were real and not just holograms Shuri set up to prank you after you beat her in said debate. "Why are you here in the lab?""We wanted to check on you, you weren't in your room. Oh and Bucky's arm is going kuckoo." Tony said as his hands did a "crazy" gesture."Bucky's arm is sending electric shocks occasionally- we can't get it off," Steve frantically ran a hand through his hair as Tony talked to you about Bucky's arm. You knew Steve cared so much about his best friend."It started when we were training in the gym." Steve said.Suddenly, thoughts of Bucky shirtless and dripping with sweat plagued your mind. Heat spread to your neck and face and you quickly turned your back on them and went to get tools to get Bucky's arm off. "Steve, Tony, um, you can go now-"Steve nodded at Bucky, trying to hide a surprising sly smile from his face, as he gestured for Tony to follow him."Good luck," Tony "sincerely" nodded,But really he meant: "Good luck on being alone in a room with your crush".He'd found out in your debate when Shuri used the "I'll tell them who you have a crush on" excuse when you started proving her wrong.You challenged her, thinking she wouldn't actually say it. You were so wrong. And now, Banner and Stark know too. Just your luck."Ah, okay, um- Bucky," You looked at the flustered mess and pointed to a bed in the medical section of the lab. "Could you sit over there for me?""Sure thing, doll." He gulped as he carefully walked toward it, as if a sudden movement would set off a bomb. You dropped your tools onto a wheel tray and looked at him in confusion. "Doll?"His eyes widened at the word, he didn't realize he had said it before you mentioned it,"It's old slang, sorry it came out that way-""It's okay, Bucky. It's actually really cute." You didn't know where this new-found confidence had came from, but it quickly faded when you realized what you just said and your face started heating up. You decided to just focus on getting Bucky's arm off.Just as you got his arm off, it started giving off shocks of electricity, causing you to drop the prosthetic on the floor with a clang. Bucky jerked up and smoothed off your hands. "You okay, doll?""I'm fine, it was a minor shock. There's no skin damage, so I guess I'm fine." Bucky sighed in relief, but still kept eyeing the arm. "It's really not anything I haven't experienced yet."You quickly got the arm and started working on the metal appendage as Bucky's eyes widened at your words. You've been shocked before?"What does that mean?" He asked as he rolled his shoulders,"I shocked myself a few times when I was testing your arm." You turned to him, holding a pair of tweezers with a chip in between."Why would you shock yourself just to test my arm?""I'd shock myself for any of my patients." You smiled warmly at the soldier, "but maybe I'd do a little more if it were for you." You murmured, a volume you were sure only you could hear.What you said made him finally see how much you cared about the people around you, how caring and loving you are. That made you an amazing person.And when he realized that, he fell in love with you. He fell hard, and it seems he's still falling.

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