Bucky Barnes | Don't be clueless, Bucky | PI

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Warnings: fluff (?), just pure fluff because I'm feeling sad right now and want to write fluff

Summary: Bucky's new metal arm from Wakanda has been acting up lately, so Tony brings you (the arm's designer) to live in the tower to help with Barnes' arm whenever it's going crazy, and help Bruce at the medical wing.

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp). 


"Tony, my arm's been acting up lately. I think there's something wrong with it."

Stark sighs and turns his swivel chair to Bucky's direction. "What's it been doing?"

"It's been vibrating. And it's causing it to fall out of the socket." He shakes the metal arm, and grips it again when he felt vibrations flow through the vibranium.

"It's been a long time since someone did do some maintenance on that thing. We'll get that fixed up, uh, as soon as it's designer gets here." He stood up and spinned a pen between his fingers before patting the ex-assassin on the back. "Promise."

"Okay. Thanks, Tony." Bucky turns to walk back to the elevator looking over his shoulder to the billionaire.

"No problem, icicle."


"And Tony said he was gonna get my arm fixed once it's designer is here." Bucky fidgeted with the remote trying to figure out how to click on a show before Steve takes the remote and clicks on "The Crown". It's been years since he was cured of his trigger words yet he still can't get a grasp on modern technology.

"Well, at least it's getting fixed, let's hope the designer gets here soon-"

"Captain Steve and Sergeant James, Sir Tony has requested your presence at the common area on floor 4." Friday's voice echoes in the room as Steve reaches for the remote and turns the TV off.

"C'mon," Bucky gestures to Steve with his metal hand and walked to the elevator.

"Why do you think he wants to see us?"

"I don't know, maybe-"

A ding interrupted the Captain as they walk to the common area. As they get to the living room, they see the whole team. Tony was talking to a petite/average-sized/tall woman with a sling bag and a suitcase.

Bucky had only seen you once in Wakanda. You were there to get his getting his retina scan right before his was put into cryogenic freeze.

Bucky usually was really tense when he saw an unfamiliar person in the tower, but something about you was, refreshing to him, like seeing you made him feel peaceful. He was oddly comfortable with you. No clenched fists, no tense stares. Just comfort and peace. Two feelings seldom felt by the super-soldier.

"Oh you're both here now. This girl right here," Tony put a hand on your right shoulder. "is Y/N L/N, she designed Bucky's arm. She'll be staying here to do maintenance on Bucky's arm and to help Banner here," The billionaire held a hand out to the doctor's direction. "with medical stuff."

Greetings from the team were said as they swarmed around you, you looked to Bucky and smiled brightly. He returned the gesture, eyes crinkling in the sides.

When you turned away, he studied your features, seemingly oblivious to the talk around him. Your Your/eye/color eyes crinkling when your lips form a smile, Your/hair/color hair swirling on your face, you were really beautiful, he'd confess to himself.

Just at that moment, Bucky's arm started shaking again, which caused Y/N to look towards Bucky then to Natasha, who you was talking to. You walked over to Bucky and felt his arm. It was shaking all right. You felt the back of his palm and flipped a piece of metal Bucky had never noticed before. "It must be the generator." You murmured to yourself as everyone focused on the both of you, Bucky's breathing quickened. And he didn't know whether it was the eyes of his teammates burning into his back, or you being so close to him. You pressed a button on the mini-generator and the shaking stopped. "There." You said as you popped the metal plate back into place.

"Nice work, kiddo." Sam shot a finger gun to your way and you furrowed your eyebrows, which everyone, especially Bucky, found adorable. "Kiddo? I'm 25." You scoffed at the falcon as you let go of Bucky's arm.

"Well, now could someone take Y/N to her room so she can put her stuff there?" Steve looked around to the people in the room with him. "I'll get her there." Wanda gestured for you to follow and took your bag and case with her magic. Bucky looked down and then back to you as your figure grew out of sight on you and Wanda's way to the elevator.


A few days after Tony introduced you to the team, 3 boxes filled with books and sentimental things, like some jewelry, pictures of you with people who seemed to be friends and family, were delivered by a Wakandan man to the tower. 2 boxes were extremely heavy and one was abnormally light, and all the boxes were addressed to you. Tony knew you were getting a delivery, but he didn't expect it to be this many.

"Hey, Y/N. There's a delivery here for you." You hear Bruce's voice echo to the speaker in the kitchen. You ran to the elevator and pressed the button to the floor below. With a ding, you were brought to the 1st floor. You glance to the living area near the boxes, Bucky was sitting on the couch with a book in his hands, (looking rather distracted from his book, stealing glances in your direction) and Steve and Sam were sprawled out on the rug playing UNO.

"I'm gonna go to the lab if you guys need me." Banner walked to the elevator, gathering his phone with him. You nodded and proceeded to try to carry one of the boxes. You tried, and ended up almost dropping one of the heavy ones if a pair of firm hands didn't catch it. Your face heated up as you look up and see a pair of deep, blue eyes.

"Thanks, Bucky." You beamed a smile, and he blushed and almost melted into a puddle at how cute you were. "No problem." He said as he carried a box on his shoulder and one in the crook of his elbow. "These are really heavy." He grinned, a rare sight for the soldier. "So where do I take these?"

"To my room." You started walking and the avenger followed, glancing over to Steve laughing and Sam with a smirk on his face.

The walk to your room was mostly quiet with Bucky walking slowly so you would be able to keep up,

"So what's in the boxes?" He tilted his head and slowed his walk, you now leading forward. "Books mostly, and some stuff from my old apartment." You glanced back to him with a smile. "We're here."

You opened the door to your room and opened it further for Bucky to go in and place the boxes he had inside the room. "Thank you, Bucky." You turned to face him, taking in his features. Long brown curls framing his face, blue eyes like the calm sea, red, plump lips. He was handsome, you admitted to yourself. "You're welcome." He turned to the door but stopped at the frame to glance over his shoulder, you were shelving books on the bookshelf in your room, you noticed him stopping at the frame and pouted. "You okay, Bucky?"

"Yeah, yeah, better than okay.'

"Well, okay. See 'ya." You grinned at him, as he walked away backwards, giving you a salute as he almost stumbled over a drawer, causing you to giggle softly to yourself.

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