Chris Beck | Fall | PII

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| Chris Beck x Astronaut!Female Reader |

Summary: You are part of the Ares III mission and (while on your way back home, already rescued Watney) while there, are sent to fix the gravity controls. A very handsome surprise causes you to stumble and fall.

Warnings: injuries, obviously fluff (?)

Y/E/C - Your Eye Color

Y/H - Your hometown

A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (leipotterhandswp).


Blinding lights fill your sight. You sit up, adjusting to your surroundings, then you see a sea of white, the nursing quarters. You try to stand up but stumble and try to grip the bed with your left arm. You suddenly feel a stinging pain in it and fall, you look at it realizing it's in a sling.

"Whoa, Y/N, rest your arm. It's sprained badly." A pair of blue eyes stare into yours as Chris helps you back to the bed. "You've been out for 2 days."

"2 days?! I have so much work to do-" You scramble until Beck puts his hands on your shoulders, your whole body feels his warmth.

"Calm down, okay?" You saw a faint blush, he quickly looked down after staring for a second into your Y/E/C eyes. He wished he didn't look into those eyes, but he wishes he could look in them forever at the same time.

"We're handling your work until your arm heals." Rick walks in with the rest of the crew decked in their NASA sweaters and caps like it was a NASA holiday. "You gotta rest, Y/N. You won't be able to do the work with your injury." Vogel points to your sling, an accent vibrating from his voice.

"But what if-if one of you needs help? I need to work." You ramble and Melissa stands beside you. Her hair brushing on your shoulder.

"You have to rest until your injuries heal. Yes, you can help but only a little bit. We can handle your work alright. Commander's orders." The redhead nods to you. Her eyes twinkling with a slight sight of, mischief?

"Yeah, Y/N, we'll be fine!" Watney slaps the air giving Beth a smile, as the system operator chuckles and looks down. You knew why she did, to hide the blush caused by the bashful smile the space pirate beside her had. This made you smirk a little bit. "We'll handle alright," She says to you.

"Okay, if you say so. But how will I get to my sleeping quarters though?"

"Beck will carry you, duh!" Vogel nudges Beck. Mischief glinted in his eyes as he said the statement in a matter of fact tone.

"What?! Why me?!"

"Well, you're the flight surgeon-" Beth points to him. "And?"

"She's a patient."

"Uh," He sighed "Fine, c'mon Y/N."

He steadily lets you climb on his back and wrap your not sprained arm around his neck, "Let's go, those tasks won't do themselves." The commander nudges Martinez and the crew heads out.

"Y/N, just hold on," Beck mumbles as he maneuvers through the zero-gravity area of the Hermes. He hoped you wouldn't feel the rapid beating of his heart and the heat rising to his face. You hoped the same.

You two finally reach your sleeping quarters. It was bittersweet for both of you when you let go. You felt the warmth of his body fade away, and he missed the feeling of your hair brushing on his back already. "Well, that's my cue to leave. Go rest, Y/N."

"Will do, doctor." You chuckle as you close the door to your quarters.


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