A breathtaking pic

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"hyung!!!!!!!!........come here fast" all the blood moon pack's member run to the room where the voice is coming.

"what the hell ..what's wrong" namjoon said with mixed of concerned and annoyed. 

"hyung.... hyung omg , is he real? "jimin showed them a pic in his phone.

"what is ......o- omg" hoseok's eyes goth widened when he saw the picture . namjoon also shocked that how can someone be so beautiful like unreal.

the luna of the pack took the phone and see who it is in the pic she also shocked but remained silent coz she knew who it is. the alpha ask them that how can they find that picture and if they know that person.

jimin said"he's my friend a fb friend. we have been talking since last 2 months".

the alpha and luna give a glance at each other then said" my son you are so lucky that this person is your friend , we are really shocked that YOU know him" the alpha said with happily and disappointment.

namjoon and hoseok didn't understand that why they acting different, it's just a pic.

"yess! appa we talk every weekend but i hv never seen him or his pic so i decided to tell him and he being a sweetheart  sent a pic immediately of his but also told me not to spread" jimin explain everything.

 " appa and eomma what is happening? both of you , why you guys acting weird? it's just a pic " namjoon said to the alpha and luna who's looking deeply in their thoughts.

" okay okay! enf og the conversation now." luna said trying to change the topic.

"ye..yeah! we should go down now , you guys have school right"?

"yes appa , actually we are waiting for him..."

"to wake up." luna shouted and completed hoseok.

" he's still sleeping, its 7 of clock, ooh god! what should i do with this kid" head alpha

(they all went to the future head alpha's room to wake him up.)


*growling " aghh what the hell , i was dreaming about my mate. you stupid asshole gosh!! those eyes. oh my godness"-jjk

"it's goodness" jimin corrected him

" oh shut up midget, i mean it what i said 'GODness' bitch like you never understand" jjk said rolling his eyes and again thinking about the dream.

namjoon is so done with them as he annoyingly said" enough is enough , we have school get ready. we are leaving in 20 min". as he walked to the living room

jungkook just rolled his eyes and said " fuck goat"

"not again bitch its fuck off" jm

(they get ready and leave for school.)

hello eveyone !!! i hope you all doing well and please stay safe and in as much as possible.

do you like my story? plz do not forgot to vote and comment....bye lobe you , and excuse for grammar mistakes 😅😅💜💜

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