"just a dream tae tae"

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'we both looked  into each other's eyes at that moment i felt that i'm complete

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'we both looked  into each other's eyes at that moment i felt that i'm complete. as soon as he brought his teeth near my neck to mark me.'...............

i got up in shock because the sound of thunderstorm is very loud. it took few seconds to relies that it was just a dream . i took a deep breath as i went to the bathroom to finish my morning routing and directly goes down where i clearly hear my hyung's mocks. i chuckled at the thought about that i have bratty hyungs.


did i introduced myself? shit

so hello guys my name is kim taehung my hyungs call me tae and i'm a male *whisper* omega. yes its a secret , my hidden secret only me , my hungs and the head alpha knows that. as i have to hide my rank i always have to wear a necklace. its very beautiful thou but you know sometimes i wanna feel free like others. but nevermind as i have world best hyungs . well we are not milk related.  they both are my cousins yoongi hyung and jin hyung. yoongi hyung is a alpha and soon to be head, jin hyung is a foxy but very cute and sometimes scary.         o shit is that jin hyung's voice...

 okay guys i have to go

hello beautiful angels how you'll doing? ok so here is my second updet in a month. its a short chapter i know but do not forgot or at least comment. please tell if guys want me to continue or should i delete this book.

buy i lobe you

by-mr. fanboy

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