Changes in Rules?

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No ones pov/

"This is nonsense "
" I will kill them "
" Morons "
" I will fucking kill them"

" Honey calm down , please!"

" Why? Just why? Do they want to die? "

So you guys wondering wtf is happening.  Let me tell you. The above conversation is btw Mr. Joen and Mrs.  Joen. 

Mr.joen got to know that the vampires is planning to attack their pack and going take everything with them. Why?  Coz Blood moon pack,  their pack comes to the second highest ranking pack in South Korea. They have everything, Best Fighters,  Biggest territory,  many packs is under them. 

So that's why vampires wanted to kill their leader and own the lands.....

"we have to do this. After all they come first.  Let's contact them. " head alpha keep mumbling nonsense...

"honey! Plz tell me what you up to?  Who are you going to contact? "

"purple pack " head alpha said and wrote a letter to purple pack's leader 'min Jay ' and told his problem and ask him to help their pack.....

Sooooooooooooooo !!!!

Blood moon pack is the second highest . And first?
Purple pack.  Purple pack comes to first in ranking,  as you say they are the best pack the South Korea. Best in everything......


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