"Act Innocent "

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"guys please stop baeckring I know what I have to do so-"

"No! You have to just stay by my side all the time. " Jin said it cutting tae's word in between..

"bear I know we being #over protective hyungs but sweet please try to understand we are doing this only for your safety. We really don't want you to get in trouble." yoongi explains

"O cmon yooni. Im a smart kid. You guys don't know me-" tae.

"yes we all know you that's why we are doing this "

All turned to the side where the voice came.

"unniee not you" tae pouted at Jennie .

"yes me too! We know you. We know your stubborn ass very well baby." Jennie

All laughed at Jennie's statement. tae just pouted but also laughed with them......


So here's the characteristics of purple pack's members:-

1 min seokjin
Brother -min yoongi and teahyung.
#sweetheart, scary as fuck when he's angry, best chief in the pack. Work as a doctor in the pack.

2 min yoongi.
Brother -min seokjin and tae.
#leader, very well assembled the best terrority and army in the half Asia, single as fuck, known as cold hearted but if you get to know him he's a total sweetheart an adorable baby.
Wolf -suga.

3 Kim Jenni
Rank -sub alpha
# work as leader in the terrority. In simple words she trained all the fighters in the pack , mated with Lisa, she is nice but if you hurt tae or any of her packs member she'll ruined your life and make a living hell
Wolf - Jen.

4 kim Lisa
#mated with Jennie, work as a nurse with Jin, she is a lovely girl love to make new friends but if you ever do something to her lovely Lil bro tae she will not think twice to chop you into tiny pieces and feed to phiranas.
Wolf-lalisa .

5 Jackson Wang
Rank-a panther
#single, tae's bestie, overprotective over tae only and to others don't give a duck , drama queen, when he in his panther form looking scary but has a cute little tail, secretly admire yoongi but not hving crush anymore, # rejected by hoseok, yes he proposed Hobi on instagram but rejected very kindly tho😂😂

Mr. Fanboy

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