We Can Make This Shit Stop

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We can't describe how the pack felt when a alpha warrior got attacked when he's gone for petrolling. His Horse came back with his body lift ting on its back. He was unconscious.
Blood dripping on his neck,  hands,  thighs.....
His neck was ruined...

Jaypee was stunned. He became numb when he saw this.

"I can't do this to them "

" They are giving their life to protect us"
"I-i I'm not a good leader "

Tear were filled in his eyes. As a leader of his pack he have to do something but he doesn't know how......

Joen Jaypee leader of the second biggest pack in East Asia,  sitting alone in his room at a corner,  crying while remembering the past days, he felt horrible,  he felt useless,  he felt soo powerless.  He can't help it.

"They got the msg right?  We will do something together to make it stop. We will kill anyone who's trying to come in our way.  Joen jaypee said this as its took a pledge.  He promised himself that the vampires stop from destroying everything.

He wipes his tears with his hand and went to his office to send a one more letter to min Jay ' Purple pack's leader.

Hey peaches,  Sry for the late updates.
Having exams 😟 but still got some time to update some chapters...

Do you guys liking my story? 
Or should I stob it?
Please let me know 💕

-Fanboy 🐤

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